Love Affair With A Sexoholic Guy – Can It Last Long?

What if you are madly in love with your partner but later find out that he is a sexoholic?! You would obviously tend to worry if your guy is having sex with other girls’¦be his friend first and help him be honest with you.

What if you are madly in love with your partner but later find out that he is a sexoholic?!

Actually before even talking about your sexoholic partner, I would first like to talk about you.

It is true that love is seriously blind and at numerous instances you would find yourself dancing to the whims and fancies of your sexoholic partner.

Always remember the first rule of a relationship – love is not a compromise.

Every person has different values and morals. For your partner it might be completely natural to have sex with multiple girls but for you physical intimacy might be a great deal.

Is it possible for two people with completely different ideologies to stay together?

Well firstly you need to stop freaking about future. Commitment freaks out many people and your guy is a sexoholic.

He is already stressed with his own problems. If you keep nagging him about the status of the relation chances are that he would be repelled by you. If it is meant to sustain, it will.

But just to make the relation a lasting one you do not have to give in to all his wishes. Don’t have sex with him just to make him happy.

Sex has to be mutual. If he leaves you since you denied him sex then let him go.

Who knows on the other hand your ‘no’ might be all the more reason for him to stick with you.

Sexoholics are prone to being aloof and unattached. Try showing your guy the beautiful side of love by a small gesture of ‘good morning wish’ or a small token of love. Do not overload him with gifts and presents but sometimes small surprises might help.

You would obviously tend to worry if your guy is having sex with other girls…be his friend first and help him be honest with you.

With honesty come revelations. You need to be strongly prepared to forgive your partner. If you wish to make the relation last then you must first understand your guy’s psyche and be able to forgive him if he is sleeping with someone else. Better said than done…but it is the most essential part of the relationship.

Sexoholics view the act of doing it as some mechanical process without emotions and intimacy. Try bringing the other aspects in the act. If you are comfortable with physical intimacy, then spice up the relation by doing things that he likes.

Take an example: Try setting a plot where you tell your neighbour to ring the doorbell continuously after a particular time. Set the time. You can call your guy and say that you are alone at home. Indulge in foreplay till the neighbour rings the bell. You need to be careful that you have proper control over the situation.

Half act will make him crave for more. Slowly he might start enjoying the romance instead of just the act of banging. Introduce intimacy in the act and be a little unapproachable. It is said, anything unattainable is more desirable.

You might be emotionally vulnerable at times and he would be the last person with whom you can share your emotions.

In such a case try talking to one of his family members or a friend.

Family support always helps overcome any addiction. Plan trips with his family and friends and when everyone is around; your bond is sure to grow stronger.

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