
Unknown Facts About The “Island Of Boiling Water”

One of the darkest rainforests in the Amazon, the only one that has been popular for the world for the flora and fauna. The forest has been the mine of mysteries, irrespective of the immense darkness where the lights of the sun rays find it difficult to have the river and island of boiling water.  A strange feature that has been hidden within the hot water of the river, Mysteries that led risen with the unknown facts about the rivers is as follows:

Boil your food

While moving from the cold water region to the hot water region that covers about 7 km of Peru’s water streamline. When it is at the peak hours of heat, from early morning the temperature is hot enough to boil the food for breakfast and lunch. But be careful while touching the water as it may burn your hands. As the river’s temperature lowers it can provide a wonderful massage or feeling of a Jacuzzi.

Can’t swim

Doesn’t matter! How good a swimmer you are? You will never be able to survive due to the boiling temperature. No, there is no mystery hidden it is through the geothermal process that the water is not chilled or cold like the other river water. Sources from the glaciers it flows down and slowly the rise to heat are observed.

Medicinal Use

The steam from the river, that spreads to the islands acts as a bath and treatment to the locals. Apart from it, the river water acts as a medicinal treatment, it is collected by the locals for various preparation of medicines.

Not volcanic eruption

One of the unknown and unique facts is the source of glacier water, it is the heat of the rocks beneath the earth. No, it is not a hot spring but a flowing river with high temperatures. It does not allow any animal to survive, not it is too suitable for drinking. Due to the higher presence of minerals like sulfur which is not good for health, but the depth of the rocks and water in the river enables us to increase the temperature.

Located in mid of Amazon forest

This mysterious river is present in the lower area of the middle of the Amazon forest in the northern region of Peru jungle.  The area is highly protected, free from the oil and gas companies, conserved area. So, if you want to visit the island that is covered with rocks and green trees, you have to sail to the northern region.

Locals believe as spiritual power

The spiritual power of the wonderful nature has bonded the locals who are known as the “Mayantuyacu community”.  Several travelers move into the depth of the forest unfolding the unknown facts that blend into the greeneries. The density of the local people is increasing, as well as certain organizations are trying to conserve their community.

The beautiful creation of nature is still conserved from illegal activities such as human resources. As well as cutting trees and plants including the community.

Kakoli Roy

Published by
Kakoli Roy

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