Unknown Facts About The Dancing Forest On Earth

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The dancing forest is one of the strangest places on the earth. No one has ever seen it as a natural phenomenon for trees to dance. But the weird place on this earth is located in Europe that has several mysteries hidden in the forest. It is densely populated with pine trees in Kaliningrad, Russia. The trees are the main reason that the pine jungle is known as the Dancing forest.

All the trees are symmetrical in appearance but all of them are crooked. It is a strange feature that not a single one has normal growth. Though the beauty of this place is not comparable the abnormal growth is a matter of concern for science.

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No living beings are present in the Dancing forest

The place does not show any similar features in comparison to the other natural forest of the world. Birds and animals find their homes among the dense areas covered by different types of plants and trees. But this specific area does not have any existence of the natural phenomenon. No birds or animals are present in the density of pines.

The pine-filled land is also known as a drunken forest by the locals. Why there is no life it is often difficult to know? Especially when science has not been able to find out the mysterious reason for the crooked growth.

Symmetrical features of the pines adorn the beauty as it looks unique. The trunks of the trees are twisted as well as start bending with time. Its unique appearance has made it one of the tourist spots. People find it interesting to see the unnatural growth when the trees seem to dance with the bends of trees.

Though its strangeness is not preferred by every tourist. Few find it cheerful while some are frightened to see the pines. In a few places, some of the trees have grown straight but it is less which is lost among the trees of the dancing forest.

What is a mystery hidden?

Research and studies are still carried out to unfold the secrets or mysteries. Caterpillars are considered as one of the reasons to damage the roots and other parts. The forests have developed on sandy soil, it may have not given the appropriate root support for normal growth. The trees were planted more than years ago to develop an oxygen-filled area in the 1960s.

Apart from damages to the roots and the tendency of the plants to search for sunlight has pulled the trees to grow in twists and turns. The forest faces wind storms which have prevented the trees to grow straight due to weakened roots. The latter statement is not scientifically proven but people believe that the storms and the sandy soil have led to the weird pine growth.

On contrary, the place has some unknown mysterious reason that has given the dancing forest in Russia separate and attractive appearances. The place is surrounded by unstable soil while on other hand the geological area is also another fact that cannot be denied for the abnormal but beautiful development of pines.

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