I Am A Traveler And Not A Tourist!

traveler and tourist

People generally end up assuming traveler and tourist are one and the same.

However, people forget that there are many points to consider which separates a traveler from a tourist. A tourist doesn’t mind being called a tourist. A traveler can lose his calm on been called as a tourist. Yes, I am a traveler and I mind it, very much.

So, here are some basic rules which will differentiate between the traveler and tourist.

Traveler and tourist –

  1. I am a tourist and believe me I am!

A traveler generally explores place alone while on other hand tourist travels in a group or explores places along with the gang of people.

  1. I am a tourist and believe me I am

A tourist is especially a person who loves to stay in a hotel (actually a luxurious hotel). However, the traveler is a person who enjoys staying inside a small tent, cottage or vintage style houses.

  1. I am a tourist and believe me I am

A traveler is a person who loves to bike ride or go traveling around the globe. While on another hand, the tourist is a person who will usually hire a car to roam around the city.

  1. I am a tourist and believe me I am!

A tourist is a self-obsessed person who may be traveling place because he wants the world to know he is traveling. While on another hand, the traveler is a person who loves to take photos of landscape, sunset, and other natural attractions.

  1. I am a tourist and believe me I am!

Tourists go on holiday. Travelers go traveling. Tourist will never explore and push his boundaries of luxury while travelers possess a skill to travel like a crazy creature.

  1. I am a tourist and believe me I am!

Tourist generally goes for sightseeing while on other hand travelers go for an adventure. Yes, I am a traveler and I love adventures! Sky-diving you know!

These were few basic difference between a traveler and tourist. I am a proud traveler who are you?

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