Be A Part Of #IndiaArtFestival this #November!

India Art Festival 2014 in Mumbai – This India art festival is an art diaspora where there are hundreds of artists and art collectors to meet at one place and interact in a better way.

India Art Festival 2014 In Mumbai

The India Art Festival is an art diaspora where there are hundreds of artists and art collectors to meet at one place and interact in a better way.

It acts as a performing stage for all the artists who want to showcase their paintings and for all the artists, art critics, art collectors. The whole idea behind this Art Festival is to create fresh grounds for the all the art lovers.

This festival values the idea of contemporary and modern art and provides a window to all people who take keen interests in these art forms.

The festival takes place on a very larger scale and is the largest festival of art taking place in the western southern part of India.


The festival started in the year 2011.

This art festival is an initiative by Kalavishkar which is an institute that promotes art on a greater level. It also publishes a magazine, every quarter named, Indian Contemporary Art Journal from Mumbai. Due to its initiation, there are many artists who can take part in such festival which was initially limited to some privileged artists only. There is no entry fee to this festival and the participation is also free. In 2014, it’s the fourth edition of the festival that will take place. It is one of the fair in India which has the largest number of visitors.

The artists are free to exhibit their art on different stalls.

There are numerous stalls that are set up and the artists from all over, exhibit their art of different genres in these stalls, it covers various art forms like drawings, paintings, sculptures, digital art and even videos. Also there are many galleries which take part in this festival from across the country like Art and Aesthetic, New Delhi, Art Alinda, Kolkata etc.


The main aim of this meet is to bring forth a dialogue between the artists and the other investors to establish a business and also give more recognition to the artist and his art.

There are many known personalities who take part in this festival. Every year there are thousands of people from all over the country who are a part of this festival and showcase their piece of art.

The India Art Festival takes place every year at the Nehru Centre, Worli, Mumbai.

This year it takes place from 27th November to 30th November.


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