Travel & Food

9 Stages OF Going On A Road Trip With Friends

Road trip with friends – Nothing can be more exciting than going on a road trip with your buddies. Only the thought of going on a road trip can fill you up with so much enthusiasm so imagine what will happen when the thought of going on such trip will come true? It is definitely going to be an amazing lifetime experience.

You are at the highest at your spirit while planning a trip with your friends. From packing to shopping and from sleeping to waking, you make plans for everything and there are several stages of the trip that you will enjoy.

Here, we have rounded up nine stages of going on a road trip with your friends.

Road trip with friends –

  1. You Have To Convince Everyone In The Group

It is the very first stage of going on a road trip with your friends. Obviously, you must have to convince all your friends for the trip. And you have to persuade them with all your will because at least one person will definitely likely to disagree.

So be ready to promptly impress all your friends with the idea of a road trip.

  1. Planning Every Single Thing Even Though You Know Nothing Is Going To Happen As Your Pre-Plans

Once you decide the trip and your destination, you start planning. From the tiniest to the hugest, you start planning each and every single thing. You plan every meticulous detail of your trip even though you know nothing is going to happen according to your planning anyways.

After all, you are going to experience the most hysterical trip of your life so you would definitely like to do everything comes in your way instead of following pre-made plans or rules.

  1. Making A Perfect Playlist As Music Is The Key To A Good Trip

Making a perfect playlist has to be one of the most important stages of planning a trip. I would like to say that any trip is incomplete without music or if it’s a road trip with your friends than music is something inevitable. For me, I can’t imagine a trip without music. It wouldn’t be wrong If I say music is the key to a good road trip.

  1. Stopping And Clicking Selfies While Passing Through The Route

Taking selfies and framing memories with your buddies is a passion these days. If you go with your friends than selfies are something that you can’t miss. And if you are on a road trip than you cannot resist stopping in between the breathtaking routes and capture some amazing moments.

  1. Sitting In Complete Silence With Your Favorite Song And Feel It To The Fullest

After having so much fun there comes a time when you all enjoy sitting in complete silence with your favourite song, staring out of the window and live the moment to the fullest. This will surely be one of the best stages of your trip.

  1. Annoying Each Other

Your friends are those creatures that you never thought would ever become your friends but once you become friends you understand each other like no one can.

Well! apart from this idealistic perception, we all have a love-hate kind of relationship with those morons and we really love to annoy them. So get ready because it is the best time to annoy them. You may hide their belongings to trouble your friends or you may also play some healthy pranks it will only add some fun to your trip.

  1. Stopping For Roadside Food

We all love to eat and when it comes to eating with friends it is surely the best thing. Well! You may already have packed some snacks to eat during the trip but nothing can be as tastier as the roadside food. It will definitely not the taste of roadside food which fascinates you but the moment of stopping in between and making memories.

  1. Reaching Your Destination

The most exciting stage when you reach your destination and find that you have made it. You want to freeze the time and enjoy the shot that is present in front of you. The Road trip with friends you planned is about to finish with a lot of fun.

  1. Coming Back With The Best Memories Ever

So, at last, you made it. You finished the journey and ready to come back. As the trip is getting over, you may feel sad but at the same time, you will be at the hike of your happiness because you are coming back from the most joyous trip with the best memories ever.

Road trip with friends – These are some stages that you go through while enjoying a road trip with your friends. Trust me, all these stages will make your journey a little more memorable.

Shreshtha Verma

Published by
Shreshtha Verma

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