Categories: Travel & Food

Ek Cutting Chai Ki Keemat Tum Kya Jano…Babu??

#Chai is undoubtedly, unofficial national beverage of #India.

It’s one of the staples and you go to any corner of the country the identity of chai is neither lost, nor changed. A chai remains a chai, and treats all its drinkers equally from a business tycoon to a daily wage labourer. Any city, any office, and any college you will find a chai ki tapri for sure.

Right from the early morning chai to the office chai, it plays a very important role in every chai lover’s life. People might not understand but a cup of tea does give a kick during the work.

So here we have few things on the list that a #ChaiLover will understand!

Morning chai

Morning chai is one of the most important things for a start of the day. A chai lover cannot skip the early morning chai no matter what. This one cup actually acts as a portion to bring the person back to a real world from the deep sleep.


Tapri ki chai

Another important addition is the tapri ki chai which also is very important to a chai lover. College student or an office person they cannot miss a cutting chai at the tapri. A chai ki tapri has it’s distinct flavour which no other chai at a restaurant can compete.


Surrr is like music

Slurping can be an irritating act in front of many people, but for a chai lover it’s just music. You cannot feel the existence of the chai if you don’t slurp. Slurping of the hot tea has its own charm and fun. To try out a crazy thing you can actually carry out a competition for the biggest slurp! *just kidding*


Green Tea cannot replace tea

No matter how healthy green tea be, a true chai lover truly understands that a good green tea can also not replace an original tea prepared with a perfect measurement of a water, milk , sugar and tea leaves! And yes for many people, whole day can be affected if their first tea of the day doesn’t works well.


The aroma of this generic drink has its own charm and people can have unlimited conversations, debates over a cup of tea. A true chai lover enjoys every sip of tea and cannot be tired of praising its existence with the every sip. So do enjoy your cup and experience the life of chai!

Prachi Karnawat

Published by
Prachi Karnawat

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