These Are The Hidden Feature of Facebook Messenger You Didn’t Know

Facebook messenger hidden features

Facebook messenger hidden features – Facebook Messenger is one of the most feasible means to communicate with friends located in the far-flung places. At the least 1.3 million people use Facebook Messenger without knowing if they are making the most of it.

Recently, Messenger has become an app of its own with a plethora of hidden features, ranging from GIFs to addicting games and other innovative ways to present your text.

So, here are some Facebook messenger hidden feature that you probably didn’t know:

Facebook messenger hidden features

1. Try Facebook Messenger on your computer:

We often get distracted by our newsfeed while messaging a friend of ours in Messenger. You can simply try pulling up your messenger from your computer. All you need is to go to Messenger.com and sign in with your Facebook account. That way you can use your messenger in the desktop itself.

2. You can send and request money:

From the past few years Facebook is allowing its users to send and request money. In the same line as Venmo, Messenger allows you to connect your credit card to the app and send money to your friends, this way you can request money from your friends as well.

3. Adding friends with the profile code:

If you want to befriends someone instantly, you can scan their profile code which is uniquely assigned to different people and then press My Code to display on your own screen followed by scanning code to someone else’s.

4. Play Games in Messenger:

Playing games in messenger is a newfound feature where people can indulge in playing many games ranging from Pacman to Snake. Here you can challenge friends too or start a conversation, pressing the plus sign and selecting games help you too.

5. You can chat with bots here:

There is a series of bots in Messenger that will wipe away your boredom. These bots are to be found in the bottom right corner of the messenger app where you can read news, place orders, play games and do other likely stuff.

6. Secret Conversation:

In case if you want to start a secret conversation with anyone, without others to be able to see, that comprise of the Government of Facebook itself.               Start a conversation, tap secret in the right hand corner, select the friend you want to message and you are ready to go. You can also set a timer for different conversations.

7. You can customize your conversation:

Just open a group chat and personalize your conversations with the friends of your liking. You can change group’s colour, nickname your friends, set group emojis.

8. Scribble chat:

Scribble chat is the sweetest thing to do in Facebook messenger where you can customize your texts with 42 animations available. Open a conversation at the bottom left corner and swipe to left to scribble chat.

These are the Facebook messenger hidden features – These are the distinguished things that you could do with Messenger that you have never known.

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