Brown Eggs Vs White Eggs ! Which Are Healthier ?

Brown eggs vs white eggs

Brown eggs vs white eggs – We all have might have definitely debated on the nutritional facts and also on the various myths related to eggs and their color. You might have also come across people that say white colored eggs are healthier than that of the brown eggs.

Also, they are a lot of people that tend to just grab the brown eggs as soon as they get a sight of the brown eggs, as they are many who feel that the brown eggs are healthier than that of the white ones. Keeping the facts right, the color of the eggs doesn’t influence the nutritional value of the eggs – in fact both of these have the same nutritional values and are equally healthy.

Let’s furthermore discuss about the different nutritional facts of both Brown eggs vs white eggs.

Brown eggs vs white eggs –

  1. Source:

The white eggs are laid by white colored chickens that have white colored earlobes. While the brown egg’s are laid by brown featured chickens that have red colored earlobes. This is the only difference.

  1. Nutritional facts

Studies show that brown eggs are a step ahead as they have good levels of omega-3s, when compared to that of the white eggs. Also, they are a many that say that this is almost negligible as even the white eggs have omega-3s.

  1. Matter of taste

Both white and brown eggs taste different, rather than being same. And they say this to happen just because of the food that both white and brown chickens are fed. The difference in the taste can be minimized to nil when both brown and white hens are fed with same kind of food.

  1. Yolk

The color of the yolk of brown eggs is darker than that of the white ones. This is because the hens are been fed with corn. And this contributes to the difference in the color of the eggs.

  1. Cost

The brown eggs have a high price tag when compared to that of the white eggs that are always available in abundant. But people have a tendency that if something is rare it is better. This clearly is not the case.

So, that was Brown eggs vs white eggs. Though the color may differ, they are same in the aspect of nutrition. I am sure this is of some good use for all those who doubt about the nutritional facts of both white and brown eggs.

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