
Unknown Facts About the Longest River Nile

Peeping back into the ancient history of Egypt mentioning the Pharaoh's, it mentions the longest river on the earth, “River…

2 years ago

Interesting Facts About The Lip Plate From Amazonia

One of the traditional rituals from the tribal ranges of Amazonia is the Lip Plate ritual. Young black women in…

3 years ago

Do you know that Mermaids Are Still Alive?

Tales and stories that mention the mermaids seem to feel unreal. But few incidences in different parts of the world…

3 years ago

“Pidgin” Simpler Language to Global Communication

Global communication is the major concern for the people who needs to connect for traveling. Traveling may be for businesses…

3 years ago

Africa Tribes Has Extinct But Still Survives In Parts of India

Afro Asian tribe that exists as the oldest African tribe was brought to India as slaves to serve the kings…

3 years ago