10 Ways To Style A Same Classic White Shirt like a DIVA !

Ways to wear white shirt

Ways to wear white shirt – Well every morning I open my closet I scream one thing “I have nothing to wear”  and Ok I know all most all girls think same.

So, this is a global issue of we women, don’t you think so (Wink). Ok so rather than piling few more new clothes in the wardrobe which might burst up any movement and say I can’t handle any more clothes, why not smartly style same staples in different ways and look fresh and COOL.

Do you have nothing to wear at the moment?

The only decent looking thing in your wardrobe happens to be your white top? But you are bored of wearing the same shirt everywhere and all the time, aren’t you?

Here are 10 awesome ways to wear white shirt and look Chic, to edgy to formal all with just one shirt!

Ways to wear white shirt –

Casual and cool. Pop open a button and tie down the bottom of your shirt a little below your waist. Pair with everyday denim shorts for a casual edgy look and Voila you will end up looking CHIC!

Crop top style. Ok heard of cloth tapes smartly fold the bottom of shirt may be 3-4 inches inside tape it and make it shorter from only front leave the back as it is. Perfect high low white shirt, crop top style.

For a day out or for meetings: Team your button down white shirt with pastel circular skirts and we bet you will drag lots of attention. Do not forget to accessorize with statement neck piece good to go from office to date nights!

Time for creativity: Yup! Girls all you need to do is be a bit creative and style your classic white shirt in different ways , the image explains it all

A good look overall. Pairing a white button down with a pair of overalls or a denim romper is a casual kind of classy look which is sure to grab attention.

Go formal. A waistcoat is a great way to look sharp at a meeting or presentation. It is a good touch to the classic white and black formal outfit.

Layer it up. Wear a white shirt with a pastel sweater and some statement jewelry to create an impression of a lifetime.

For a breezy evening outside. Pair your essential top with a long open cardigan and your favourite denims to brave the breeze.

Floral magic: Team a floral skirt with white shirt and look fresh, edgy and uber cool. From office to date night this look will surely make sure you look “Million bucks”

Super stylish: Put on your white shirt and on top of it wear a black tee, this layered look will work specially in winter.

These are ways to wear white shirt  – ALL you need to pull this style is confidence, confidence and some more confidence. Try wearing shirt reverse and leave all buttons open at back as wearing shirt in traditional way is too mainstream. Team this with skirt or jeans.

Whenever in doubt go the classic way with jeans

So, these are few Ways to wear white shirt and look fresh, cool and stylish everyday!

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