Ladies, STOP Making These 6 Lipstick Mistakes Because They’re Ruining Your Makeup Face!

Lipstick Mistakes To Avoid
  1. You’re applying it too much

OK, I know that you want to make your lips look attractive and that’s why you’re applying a darker lipstick. But, over-applying the lipstick will ruin your face. And also, when you over apply it, you get lipstick on your teeth.

I know you want to look sexy, but try to avoid such mistakes.

(Image Source: fashionmg-style)

Lipstick Mistakes To Avoid

  1. Not applying properly on cupid’s bow

You must know to cover your cupid’s bow correctly. What happens is, mainly ladies apply lipstick in the middle and corner of lips, but they don’t define the cupid’s bow properly. It is very important and you should first begin by applying lipstick on Cupid’s bow, and then apply it on the rest of your lips.

(Image Source: Health Magazine)

Lipstick Mistakes To Avoid

These were the lipstick mistakes to avoid. 

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