Don’t Make These 6 Fashion Mistakes At Workplace!

  1. Your OTT Makeup Could Only Be Considered Professional Only If You Are Performing In A Drag Show

Wearing a lot of heavy makeup is distracting to those around you, and can make you look high-maintenance, which is not an attractive quality to employers. Subtle colours, nude look and pleasant appearance win you a lot of brownie points from your employers. Trust me on that. Plus, it saves you a lot of money that you might be shelling out on expensive makeup brands. Light base, natural or light pink lip colour, lightly lined eyes and a little bit of colour on the cheeks is just about perfect for an office look.


When you think about it, your company hired you because you had a professional resume. You must also want to have a professional appearance on the job to project a good image.

Therefore, avoid these fashion blunders at workplace and be the professional performing star!

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