Categories: Sex

7 Sex Facts That Have Eluded Even The Adults

People, as they age and start having sex, think they know everything about sex.

It is important to know that even the most learned person seeks information wherever possible. When it comes to sex, it is better to be knowledgeable than sorry at a later stage.

Adults or not, it is important to initially comprehend with the fact that you don’t know all about sex.

Here are several sex facts for adults still elude many people to this very day – 

Grower and Shower

Two types of penis size – grower and shower

When it comes to size of the penis, it is categorised under two sections – grower and shower. Where the former grows to an extended length, thanks to rush of blood entering the penis, the latter only grows as long as it can get – be it erect or in flaccid state. 

Size Matters, but Only up to an Extent

Art of sex matters more than size of the penis

Without a doubt, size of the penis is one of the most talked-about topics when it comes to sex. The size does matter, but not up to an extent where it brings trouble in the relationship. The size of the penis is a psychological barrier and not a physical one. Regardless of whether you are a grower or a shower, the art is what matters at the end of the day to keep the partner satisfied. 

Pull Out Method Can Result in Pregnancy

Pull out method does not eliminate pregnancy

Many males engage in unprotected sex thinking that pulling out might evade pregnancy. This is utter rubbish. Pre-ejaculate, at times, contains sperm that can swim upstream. It can further stay in the female partner’s vagina for weeks eventually leading to pregnancy. 

There Is No Good or Bad Sex

There is no good or bad sex

Individuals often define their carnal experience as good or bad. In all honesty, there is no such thing. Sex is all about communicating well with your partner. What someone may like is not likely to be loved by another person. You can give great O-face to one person with certain moves, but another individual might downright find them weird. Learn their body language as bodies are known to be fickle. 

Oral Sex Is Sex

Oral sex is still sex

Oral sex is another area that is often debated as to whether it is a type of sex or not. Yes, oral sex is sex and yes, one can contract sexual transmitted disease from it, too. Regardless of whether you engage in it on your bedroom bed or in the front seat of your car, it is a form of sex. When practiced with an unknown person, use of condom is always advisable. 

Mere Penetration Rarely Leads to Climax

Mere penetration does not lead to female climaxing

Has your female partner ever said that she experienced orgasm as soon as you penetrated her? Well, the chances are very rare. There are two kinds of women – one, who climax upon penetration and second, liars. Clitoral stimulation is the keyword that can help your partner reach climax (or climaxes). 

It is Okay If a Man Refuses to Have Sex

It’s okay if a man does not want to have sex

Contrary to popular belief, there is nothing wrong with a man who does not want to have sex. In addition, it is also a misconception that men think often about sex than women. Everything comes down to one thing – sexual appetite – and it differs based on various criteria such as confidence, satisfaction in relationship and health, to name a few.

Sridhar Krishnan

Published by
Sridhar Krishnan

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