Sexy texts – It is always fun texting our boy friend and girl friend. As every relationship tend to loose its magic that they initially had between them, so the couples keep up the spark in their relation by getting naughtier in the messages.
They are sexy texts – a lot of spiced up texts that the couple send each other, day long that make them fall for each other everyday. After all its all about love and memories that we make for life time.
Here, is catalog of different sexy texts that men send when they are horny 😉
1 – Honey, wanna see you. Send me a hottest selfie.
And here you go, This could actually be a start for sexting ;).
2 – Would, Love To Make Love Bites All Over Your Neck, and lower body.
Trust me love bites are all time favourites of men.
3 – Baby, Lets FaceTime..!
They are times of hardest desperation and asks you out for FaceTime or video call, Slowly into the no clothes rule;)
4 – Today’s a really bad day. But I know of something that can make it SO better. It starts with you, me and no-clothes rule.
Because, naked love making is always the best.
5 – I miss your face and also your boobs. No seriously those boobs though.
Because they are so awesome like you do and missing them.
6 – Wish I could pin you to the wall with pants down, making you moan loud.
When he seriously misses laying with you and feel all your love.
7 – Baby, would you show me the colour of your bra that am gonna rip away tonight
Have, not watched porn after I meet my beautiful lady love.
8 – The taste of your pussy is so sweet that I would love to eat it up again.
Would love to feel the wetness down there.!!
9 – The best feeling ever would be waking up with you by my side and some early morning sex 😉 :p
Just a thought of hottest picture of yours made my pants tight.
10 – Bringing another box of your favourite chocolate flavoured condoms.! We are going to need them 😉
These are few sexy texts messages men send when they get super horny and cant wait anymore to enjoy!