5 Ideas You Can Resort To When Are Totally Up To It But Do Not Have A Condom Handy!

how to have safe sex without condom

5) If you are a man and in a lot of sex practice, you can go for sex without condom, and make sure to ejaculate outside your partner’s vagina, so that you save her from the possible aftermaths. You can do this only when you know you can do this. No one else would know that, and you should not put a girl’s security and health at risk, if you are not sure of applying this technique.


Now, these were the ways you can have sex when you are totally up to it, but do not have a condom handy. With this, goes without saying that, keep the hygiene of genitals on utmost priority, before you indulge in the supreme act of intimacy. It will keep you safe and feeling good about sex. Not to miss, smelling good too!

Have safe sex, always!

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