5 Sure-Shot Ways To Make Your Relationship Work

Relationships are sacred. But they can become completely useless if we don’t invest love, care and time into it. If you feel that your love life is taking a toll and things are falling apart, here are five sure-shot ways to make it tick…read on:

Relationships are sacred. But they can become completely useless if we don’t invest love, care and time into it. If you feel that your love life is taking a toll and things are falling apart, here are five sure-shot ways to make it tick…read on:

Indulge in PDA:
What better way to ignite the sparks than some good old PDA? The world is a rather dull place with everybody running behind something or the other. Too many worries, too many issues and too many heartbreaks. May be it’s time to hit the pause button, take some time out and spread some love. Let people around you know that life is made up of simple and small joys like kisses, hugs and hand-holdings. Even the cringing prudes would be momentarily swayed by your impromptu kisses. Aww. And your partner will definitely realise what he/she has been missing out on.

No phone, please:
Keep your phone far, far away so that you can concentrate on your partner more than anything else in the world. You might be tempted to update a picture of a Croissant on the net, but it can wait. Trust us. Shower all your attention on him/her, just like your initial dating/marriage days. Make him/her the centre of your world. Because in most cases, a relationship fails due to lack of communication and attention.

Engaging conversation:
An engaging conversation, peppered with laughter and punctuated with animated shrieks are what we all crave for. It JUST can’t be forced or faked. It’s something that will bring back memories of your happy days together and make you forget about the current issues at hand. Don’t let your ‘I-Know-Everything-About-Them’ attitude stop you from asking questions and exploring topics. It will be worth the effort, we are sure.

Inspire him/her:
Promise to inspire him/her to be a better person. If you don’t interest and inspire her, there’s nothing to look forward to in your relationship. Nobody wants to wake up feeling like they have nothing to live for. That’s the worst feeling in the world. So, take out time and indulge in fun activities together that would make you both fall in love, all over again. Be it good books, movies, entertainment or simply life, make sure to ignite his/her passions.

Be selfless:
In a relationship, especially after being with each other for a long time, the true colours of the person come to fore. He/she might suddenly start acting selfish. And that would be the end of it all. Ouch. Some people are born selfish, whether it’s in their conduct or general behaviour, they just can’t think past ‘me’. If you’re stuck with somebody like this, you have no choice but to let go. It’s not just about mundane issues, but also the bed room stuff. The best way to make a marriage or a relationship work is to consider it a two-way street.

If you truly love and respect your partner, don’t let silly issues come in the way of your relationship. Make it work…with all that you have.

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