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To Be A Confident Youth In 2016, You Must Possess These 12 Traits! Start Working On Them Right Away!

2016 is here! It will show us a new life, and will demand newer proceeds!

Are we all set to step into a fresh start with energized enthusiasm and pronounced confidence?

Well, for the youth the demands are raising and the expectations are soaring. More than anyone else expecting from the youth, they have a lot of expectations from self, first and foremost. To meet all those demands, it is imperative that the youth must possess a few traits, which will help them to take the world in their stride and build unprecedented success for themselves.

These are the 10 most important traits that you need to cultivate to be identified as a confident youth in 2016!

  1. Never Make Excuses

If you wish to achieve, you will have to put the excuses on bay. If you can accomplish a task, get down to it. If you cannot, leave and make way for someone else to take it up. Do not sit there making excuses.

  1. Never Run From Things That Scare You

Look into the eyes of your fears! Challenge them and win over them. Running away will make you a coward. Unless of course you want to be known as a coward only!

  1. Step Out Of Your Comfort Zone More Often Than Other People Do

Being in your comfort zones will spoil you and make you a useless entity. To approach newer destinations and acquire something you never had, you will have to do what you never did.

  1. Don’t Put Things Off Just Because You Are Scared of The Outcome

If you do not try anything new, you will never reach the outcomes. The fear of the outcomes will remain in your head, haunting you like a ghost. But if you try, you will realize that DOING is always better than SITTING and GETTING SCARED!

  1. Don’t Obsess Over Other People’s Opinions

Varied people will have varied opinions about you and your actions. You are not liable to abide by any and act as per their whims and fancies. BE YOU! Be the person who makes you happy. Not the one who is eager to get positive opinions about self, even if it has to be at the cost of happiness.

  1. Don’t Judge People

Everyone in this life is going through their own struggles and they have their prerogatives to how they lead their life. Your judgments will define you and not them. Never put yourself in the seat of a judge, be a compassionate friend if at all you can be.

  1. Don’t Let Anything Stop You From Going For What You Want

You will have to build your own success. You cannot wait for others to come and help you. Also, you must not let anyone stop you from achieving your goals, dreams and desires. Go get them!

  1. Do Not Be Affected By Comparisons

Comparisons are inevitable in this material bound world which concentrates more on outer appearances. If you keep getting affected by those, you will lose the sight of your destination. Keep walking your path and let the comparisons be just like small pebbles to step on and move forward.

  1. Do Not Be A People Pleaser

If you are making your own life and earning your own bread, you must never fall into people pleasing zone. Make sure you speak the right and you act your heart out. Those who love you, will anyways be with you, those who don’t, there is no point pleasing them anyway.

  1. Come To Terms With Life’s Truths And Do Not Live In Denial

Certain shortcomings of life will always be there. Try and accept them. Do not run away or deny them. Acceptance is the biggest strength for those who wish to achieve the best in their life. It equips them with the power of truth and honesty.

  1. Never Give Up. Know You Will Succeed One Day

Success is bound to be yours if you do not leave the road. Giving up should never be an option for you. Making it should be your sole objective. The time you take and the journey you go through, will be your experiences for life.

  1. Find Your Happiness Within

Your happiness lies inside you, it is not in people or places or materials that you acquire. You can be a happy company to self if you give yourself enough time. Indulge in the things you love to do and pamper self every now and then.

Confidence is not a commodity that you can buy from a store. It is a trait that develops from a set of collective traits that you can work upon and build.

Start working on them right away and see yourself as a roaring and confident youth in 2016.

All the best! 🙂

Deeksha Dudeja

Published by
Deeksha Dudeja

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