Breast Ironing Is The Most Ridiculous Thing Followed To Protect Girls From The Male Gaze!

The Method Of Breast Ironing

The Method Of Breast Ironing

Breast Ironing – No doubt, it is the most disgusting thing ever.

You see, we always scream and shout that “RAPE” should be stopped. How, you ask? We say, by changing minds, by treating women equally, and by not taking advantage of them. But in AFRICA, mothers are doing breast ironing of their daughter to save them from rape.

Now, isn’t it really ridiculous? Either this way or that way, women are suffering. In Africa, people think that to save young girls from sexual harassment, breast ironing is the correct method.

What is breast ironing? It is a method of flattening young girl’s developing chest. They think that doing so will save them from rape. People will not look at their childlike appearance and there will be no point of premarital pregnancy etc. In the process of flattening their chest, large stones, a hammer is been heated over the hot coals, and is used to compress the breast tissue, so that a women will look younger than her age.

Here’s a picture that’ll certainly break your heart.

The Method Of Breast Ironing

What’s more heart-breaking that their mothers think it’s the only right thing to do. As per TOPYAPS, Breast ironing is a well-kept secret between the young girl and her mother. Often the father remains completely unaware. The girl believes that what her mother is doing is for her own good and she keeps silent. This silence perpetuates the phenomenon and all of its consequences.

The Method Of Breast Ironing –

The Method Of Breast Ironing

This method is practices in many parts of the world, but luckily, last year many people came forward and complained about this practice. It is seriously disgusting to think that something like will save women from rape. Breast ironing, is undoubtedly painful, and it also causes problems like cancer, itching, breast infections, discharge of milk, and tissue damage.

This method is very painful, as many women are so disgusted by it that they refuses to touch their breasts. It’s like, it indirectly makes us hate us body. Now, steps are being taken to stop this method, they’re been taught that breasts are created by God and they are not dirty. They are a part of human body, and should be accepted. It’s the men who should control their thirst, and behave themselves.

There are many organizations that are coming forward to spread awareness about the topic. A London-based charity Women’s and Girl’s Development Organization and the Association of Aunties are spreading awareness. No matter what; the practice should be stopped because it’s not saving lives, but it is damaging women’s body more and more.

This was all about the method of Breast Ironing.

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