These Horror Stories In Just “Two Sentences” Will Give You Sleepless Nights!

Horror Stories In Just Two Sentences

Horror Stories In Just Two Sentences” – Horror stories don’t really have to be big.

Some can be explained in just two sentences.

Yes, in just “two sentences”.  They might be small but trust me; they’re enough to give you sleepless nights. Also, let me tell you, that these horror stories were shared on Reddit and undoubtedly they’re reading.

Are you ready to read ‘em? Let’s begin –

  1. I begin tucking him into bed and he tells me, “Daddy check for monsters under my bed.” I look underneath for his amusement and see him, another him, under the bed, staring back at me quivering and whispering, “Daddy there’s somebody on my bed.”
  2. Don’t be scared of the monsters, just look for them. Look to your left, to your right, under your bed, behind your dresser, in your closet but never look up, she hates being seen.
  3. I woke up to hear knocking on glass. At first, I thought it was the window until I heard it come from the mirror again.
  4. I can’t sleep” she whispered, crawling into bed with me. I woke up cold, clutching the dress she was buried in.
  5. My daughter won’t stop crying and screaming in the middle of the night. I visit her grave and ask her to stop, but it doesn’t help.
  6. After working a hard day I came home to see my girlfriend cradling our child. I didn’t know which was more frightening, seeing my dead girlfriend and stillborn child, or knowing that someone broke into my apartment to place them there.
  7. I reach my hand out to the mirror in front of me to offer some stability, but instead of cold glass against my hand, I feel the warm flesh of a palm, and looking up I see my reflection. Funny, it doesn’t feel like I’m smiling, but I must be.
  8. The doll I inherited still sits on top of the cupboard across from my bed. Sometimes I find her friends have come to visit.
  9. The developed pictures show my daughter playing with her brothers Matthew and Sebastian. The thing is, Sebastian died 2 years ago.
  10. Don’t be afraid of the shadows that move across the walls at night. Just don’t stare: they might stare back.
  11. I killed my wife last week, I was so afraid that my son would ask where his mom was but he didn’t. Tonight after dinner, he finally asked me with a strange face, “Daddy, why are you carrying mommy on your back every day?”

This was all about ” Horror Stories In Just Two Sentences “. 

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