There is a very fine, thin line between love and hate, its said so because, the very fact is that there can only be hate where there had been, or has been love among two people.
The same notion goes for the Idols that we adore so much, the deep connection that we share of love, unconditional loyalty and support for them is sometimes bordering on love and hate relationship, its all because they are humans and can always commit mistakes, but we as their very hardcore, die-hard fans judge them and put them on the pedestal of wisdom and God-like appearance!
Which can be quite a difficult situation and an impossible feat for our stars to manage!
The same goes with the worldwide sensational pop singer, Justin Bieber. Bieber-fever has actually never died out and never will, but its also true that some recent rumors and events have pushed some of his Beliebers to the brink of having a very complex love/hate relationship with our man!
Justin Bieber – Here’s why!
1) Bieber’s habit of risking his innocent image with all of his tassels with the legal system, But we love him for taking a stance against the Papzz who don’t know the meaning of privacy!

2) Justin Bieber is to be adored for the humanistic activities he does for all the poor victims of the world, But we hate that Justin makes it difficult for us to love him wholeheartedly when he misbehaves with the crowd and his fans at times!

3) We loved when we knew about his deep love, relationship with Selena Gomez, but we hate to see him crumbling after their break-up and he just couldn’t move on.

4) Justin Bieber makes Good friends but he can never keep them, and we all know that Friendships are very important to keep oneself grounded.

5) Sometimes he is very humble, sometimes he can be quite crude and egocentric about his work and stature.

6) Justin Bieber is a person who has been given immense respect to any woman, But his endless loop of short lived relationships and tangles, make it complicated for us Beliebers!

7) A little bit of restrain of one self over what you say and don’t say in front of the media or public is important, We love to see that he is brave and strong enough to bounce back from his phase of depression!

A celebrity or a world famous Pop-icon, we all are humans and in believing so we beed to understand where to draw the line of our judgement, there are certain things that are absolutely private of one’s life and should be according to their lookout, but there are certain things that even the celebs have to take into consideration as when they sign the agreement of selling out their faces for this entertainment industry, there is a certain amount privacy that you unwilling give up and not to mention you’re now one of the public influences!
But lets not be too harsh, let’s give everyone a benefit of doubt and a chance to correct and learn from their mistakes of past!
A second chance to life!
I’m pretty sure that nothing can deter the true fans of Bieber from loving and supporting him always, forever!