5 Unspoken Rules Of Hooking Up!

Unspoken rules of hooking up

Unspoken rules of hooking up – Time has changed a lot in terms of the dating world. Dating can be described as a game named hooking up.

There are some rules of hooking up about which people do not talk much but yes they do exist.

Any single person aged 18 to 35 years will for sure be able to relate to this 5 unspoken rules of hooking up.

Unspoken rules of hooking up –

  • Do not choose a friend, whom you cannot lose

Never hook up with someone with whom you are emotionally connected. You can simply play safe by choosing someone you don’t know much well. Hooking up with a friend will definitely change the equation of our friendship.

  • Be clear with your expectations

Always be clear with your expectations. When you start hooking up make sure your partner knows it’s a hook up and nothing more. Let him/her not assume anything more. Hence they would not have any hopes that it will end up in a happy relationship.

  • Never be too emotional

Emotions should never take over in a hook up. You should not mix a hook up and feelings. No one wants a meltdown in a hook up and be emotionally broken. So, the moment you find yourself thinking about him/her and missing them, leave it and move ahead in your life.

  • You should never try to know each other

Avoid getting to know his favourite sports or her favourite food. The one and only thing that he needs to know about you and you need to know about him is how to please his sexual needs. So, no good night or good morning texts, your texts should only be about your future hook-up sessions.

  • Do not introduce them to your close ones

There is no need to introduce your hook up partner to your friends or family. They should better not know about it. If somehow any day they come across him/her, you can simply introduce them as a friend. Try to keep it a secret if possible. But if they ever want to introduce you to their family or meet up his/her friends, then you know it is time for a call off.

These unspoken rules of hooking up  –  So, have a laugh and have a happy and safe hook up by following these 5 unspoken rules of hooking up.

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