
Here’s How Your Room-mate Becomes Your Family in College Years

There is a commonality between leaving home for a residential college and leaving college for the larger reality that waits, that is the feeling of emptiness. With heavy hearts we step out of our comfort zones in pursuit of building our future. But, talking about the room-mates, when you first meet them you are a little apprehensive, then things slowly fall in order when the ice melts progressively and then you become each other’s mainstay which is akin to being family.

You will never have a dull moment and heartbreaks can’t ever be taxing around them. They are there to kiss away gloom from your life and cheer you up.

You both are poles apart and were not put together by your choice but someone else’s. So, you first try to adjust with each other and then embrace each other’s differences.

The word uncomfortable is not in your dictionary and you both can roam about in skimpiest clothes before each other fairly brazenly.


Things get deep when you two get conversant. You can vent to each other and give philosophical retorts to each other’s problems.

You always have inside jokes and can turn any place into your personalized dance floor when your favourite song is put on.

Their favourite sport is boosting your morale and they are the loudest one cheering and hugging you if anything good happens to you.

You are never ashamed to do stupid things in public together. You read each other’s expressions and act accordingly.

You are protective about each other and become a ninja when an outsider anyone tries to hurt anyone of you, emotionally or physically.

Even a day without them is like a year. When they leave the hostel for some purpose for a few days, you feel hollow, like a part of you missing.


Your random photoshoots are worth a million dollar.

If you pull off these things together with utmost sass, you have become family.

Shreyashi Das

Published by
Shreyashi Das

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