
Never Tolerate These 10 Things In A Relationship!

Being in a relationship is a beautiful experience of life.

Yet, it can be a daunting one if you are with a toxic partner. Which means, your partner is giving you tough times, and you are tolerating the absurd behaviour, for the sake of the relationship. We understand that when you are in love and you want to make it work. You tend to gloss the bad bits in the hope that things will work out later.

We suggest, do not do that ever!

You must respect yourself before you respect or want anyone or anything else, and tolerating bad behaviours, even if they are coming from your love partner, should never be a choice in that case.

While a little compromise is okay if it helps to keep the love and bonding going, there are 10 ugly things you must never tolerate in a relationship.

Here is our list : Never Tolerate These 10 Things In A Relationship :

  1. Physical and Verbal Abuse:

Many in relationships and in vulnerable situations,  put up with emotional, physical and verbal abuse for the sake of being into it, sometimes without even realising it. Yes, it is true that many partners do not even come to know that they are being abused emotionally. If you are constantly put down, or made to feel inadequate, or incompetent, maybe you need to walk out of the relationship, making a choice to respect self.

  1. Forced Sex Or Other Sexual Activities

There are times when one doesn’t feel like indulging in the act. If you are constantly asked to do it against your wish, or made to do certain things against your liking, while in the act, you need to reconsider your relationship with the person.

  1. Shaming On The Basis of Appearance

If you are with someone who claims to love you, they must love you for the person you are and the body or appearance that you have. If you are with a partner who makes fun of you for the body, or hair you have, or the clothes that you choose to wear, you need to put a stop to it. Tell them that you respect yourself way too much to be reduced to an object. The jokes based on appearances are insensitive, insensible, uncalled for and just plain mean. Never tolerate them coming from your partner.

  1. If You Are Always Put On The Last Priority

There could be times when your partner needs to attend to something on first priority, but it cannot and should not happen always. If you figure out that they keeps their tasks, their dreams, their objectives, their friends first up and you are always last on the priority list, almost like an option that they have to deal with unwillingly, you are better off without the relationship.

  1. Lack of Respect For You

Yes, while in a love based relationship, love seems to be the most important ingredient, but respect is what keeps the love intact. Trust me on that. If your partner doesn’t respect you for who you are, chances are, they were just infatuated with you to indulge in the relationship and were never in love. Identify the fact at the right time and make the right move.

  1. Demeaning Your Beliefs and Aspirations

Be it your professional aspirations, your personal beliefs or your individual objectives in life,  your partner must believe in them, believe in you and help you to move forward towards your goals. If they are continually being sarcastic about them or making them sound less important than their own aspirations and plans, you need a rethink, if you respect yourself.

  1. Finding Reasons To Growl About Your Past

We all have a past and we learn to deal with it. But, if your partner looks for reasons to bring up your past and crib about the mistakes you committed in the years gone by, just to blame you for their current coarse situations, you must never tolerate this behaviour from them.

  1. Controlling Your Life Like A Control Freak

If your partner takes up the seat of a control freak asking you to behave, talk and dress-up in a certain way, or asking you to be and not to be in touch with certain friends and colleagues without any explainable reasons, they might just be the toxic person you need to stop putting up with.

  1. Maintaining The Secrecy Forever

While it’s understandable that in the initial days of a relationship, it is sensible to be secretive about it, for more than one reason, yet, it is awkward when your partner doesn’t want to come out in open about it, even after years of being together. You might need to check their seriousness meter there. If they are wary of getting you introduced to their family and friends, you need to declare that this is not acceptable at all.

  1. Trusting Issues

There are times in a relationship when both the partners feel a little edgy and insecure about each other. But if your partner is one of those who have this constant trust issue and are always on a questioning spree, continuously keeping tabs on the whereabouts of the other, forcing to display personal emails, or snooping around with the phone, there certainly is a need to abort this behaviour. Even if you have nothing to hide, in principle, this is just wrong. You must never take it.

If you are tolerating any of these behaviours or actions from your partner while in a relationship, it’s time you put a stop to it right away!

Deeksha Dudeja

Published by
Deeksha Dudeja

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