12 Hilarious Hickey Stories Will Make You Remember Yours For Sure!
Hickey Stories – No one really knows about your “hickey” story but these stories “might” make you remember yours IF they turns out to be relatable. So, here are some Reddit “ Hickey Stories ” which are FUNNY, GROSS etc, etc.
Read ‘em – The Hickey Stories –
I had weird friends in college and we would get in hickey fights. It made it really hard to explain to anyone why you got a hickey but weren’t dating anyone. (LOL!)
I got a massive hickey on my neck after fooling around with a guy and had to go to work the next day (Pizza Hut, so not that big of a deal). For some reason I had some temporary tattoos lying around and so I put them over the hickey. I cut some individual ones out so it was a giant shark jumping over the sun. Manager knew what was up.
My freshmen year of college I got a huuuuuge hickey right before I had my picture taken for the soccer team that got put up on the athletic website. It took a solid hour to cover that bad Larry and tons of cover up. You could only tell it was there unless you were looking for it.
I was 19, at home over the summer between my freshman and sophomore years of college. My boyfriend at the time had given me a hickey on my neck, but it could be hidden by my hair. Well, I fell asleep on the couch and my hair must not have been covering the hickey because … I woke up with one of my father’s hands on my forehead and the other on my chin, turning my head and him saying “What is that on your neck?!” I tried the lame, “Ummm, I burned myself with the curling iron” excuse to which he replied, “The hell you did!” It was quite uncomfortable the next time my boyfriend came over, needless to say …
My current girlfriend gave me one on a Saturday. It was massive. Then on Monday I had to go on camera in front of a 20 person class. It was awkward.
Hickey on neck, someone saw it who wasn’t supposed to/offended by it/parent and it was embarrassing.
I went to college a few states away and dated a local guy. I didn’t see him for a week during spring break, and when I came back he gave me a big ol’ kiss in the middle of my forehead. I did not know foreheads could bruise that quickly and aggressively:-|
After my first SO and I stated dating I left a HUUUUGEEEE hickey on the side of his neck. I’m talking like the size of a fist. Too bad I forgot he had to go home that weekend… He had to convince his mom he had some freaky rash.
It was a few days before my boyfriends 17th birthday, and we were kissing, it got a little heavy and we didn’t kiss each other’s necks for the fear of getting a hickey. So he ended up with one on his upper chest. I hadn’t met his family that much but I came over for his birthday a few days later and we all exchanged hellos, until his uncle, who’s also our age asks “You know about his hickey right?” I had to confess in front of his whole family, and his mother gave us “the talk” and offered to buy us condoms. Worst birthday ever.
So my GF gave me a hickey on the forehead which was really annoying, I got her back last night and covered her neck in them when we were drunk. Went downstairs for breakfast and her Mum saw them and went apeshit, so I got beat up by her Mum with a wooden spoon.
My boyfriend thought it would be funny to leave a hickey on my eye. It ran up past my eyelid and below my lower lid too. It didn’t hurt but it looked like I had been beaten…
My boyfriend once pinned me down and put one on my face for shits and giggles.