Don’t feel like a loser after breakup

We have all gone through it. But, we always forget to look at the good side of breakups. Here are a few ways you should try to get over the grief.



Give yourself a break:Take off to the hills, beach, farmhouse or any other place that you fancy. This could be the perfect time to explore an undiscovered destination and will also keep your mind off stupid, non-productive thoughts.

Let loose: Just let it go if you fail to work things out. Try elucidating the emotions and confusion, but at the same time try not to get obsessed. It’s very natural to go through a rough phase, but if you bask in it for too long, you risk your wellbeing.

Resist the urge to re-establish contact: It would be very humane if you’d want to rave, ramp or shout after your breakup. You’ll even want to send a text message. Don’t. Authorise a friend to ensure that you don’t end up calling or texting at the cost of your dignity.

Call folks for support: Dealing with a breakup all by yourself could be tough. Look upto your friends for support. Allow them to help you get over the grief and discuss the troubles with them. Try to refocus on work, hobbies or get a pet. They are said to be the perfect bait to help you get out of a crisis situation.

Don’t feel sorry for yourself: Try walking your way towards happiness again. Every relationship has a lesson. Experience it. Do things which make you happy like going for a movie or a long drive with friends and move on. Learn from your mistakes and take the lead again.

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