10 Categories Of Boyfriends In The World. Which One Is Yours?

Categories of Boyfriends

Categories of Boyfriends – We women grow up harbouring our own favourite fairy-tales that include our Prince Charming on a white horse.

Though the concept is old school, the daydreams were absolutely real! Tick of the checklist below to determine which category your boyfriend falls into.

  • The Logic Master

The easiest way to his heart is through logic! Doesn’t sound romantic? He would rather sit at home and watch his favourite ball game rather than going Christmas shopping because that makes no sense!

  • The Attention King

He is the one who needs constant reminders that you love him more than anything else in the world. And if you don’t, well, your fights might end by you try to console the Drama King!

  • The Goofer

Fun, games and making you laugh constantly are the basic traits of these guys. You probably rush to the washroom a million times when with him because he makes you laugh so much!

  • The Text-capists

Well, these are the ones who are never available on text. They would probably reply to your today’s text 6 months later. But unanswered texts do hurt, don’t they?

  • The Chill-out buddy

He falls into the lazy category. He is always game when you just want to snuggle up beside him and binge-watch your favourite TV shows!

  • The Geek

Sweet, cute and adorable is what describe him the best. He loves you a lot but loves his video games and his own FIFA team more. He’s the reason you excel at these game, too!

  • The mushy mash

The king of romance, he knows the importance of whispering sweet nothings in to your ears. Valentine’s Day with this guy is no less that a fairy-tale!

  • The Always ready type

He is more of a physical being. All your fights just have one solution, “we should go to bed more often!” well, perfect for the days when you are up for it too!

  • The Chatterbox

He talks so much that sometimes you pray to God that he shuts up. But then again, that’s the best part about him, the way he loves to talk!

These are Categories of Boyfriends – Which one is yours? We have hit the right cord, haven’t we? Which one is yours, then?


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