
5 Ways To Deal With Awkwardness After A Break-up

After A Break up – We live in a world in which we constantly hear about couples breaking up and separating even after being together for a very long time.

Have you ever thought how they deal with the awkwardness that emerges after breaking-up with the person they were in love with? Though we live in a modern world and these things are quite common, yet facing a person whom you were in a relationship with after that relationship has ceased to exist, can be quite, well, awkward.

Here are 5 ways to deal with awkwardness after a break up:

After A Break up –

  1. Spend some time alone

Talking to your ex immediately after a break up could be a good move or a bad move depending on the situation. If you are not sure about what you want to do immediately, you can take some time off all social activities and spend some time alone. That will give you some time to think about how you are going to talk to your ex.

  1. Do not end things on a bitter note

A break up might seem like a very negative word but it need not have a disconfirming energy to it. When things go wrong and you decide that the time has come to put an end to your relationship, you can think of a way to end things on a positive note. A break-up does not mean you have to fight with your partner and make things ugly. Even if things are bad, you must try to deal with the situation in a mature way.

  1. Talk to you ex’s friends

When a break-up happens, friends take sides. To ease the awkwardness and anything negative that might have emerged from your break-up and spread it amongst your common friends, you must make an effort to make sure that your ex’s friends do not see you in a bad light. Before you reach out to your ex, it is important that you reach out to your friends.

  1. Find a topic to talk them about

After A Break up, you must try your best not to dwell on the past and talk about your past relationship. Find another reason to talk to them. If you are in college, discuss studies or assignments about them. Once both of you start talking again, you can discuss about your relationship and analyse what went wrong. By then, you will have no bitterness left inside you.

  1. Accept what went wrong

Whenever you decide to talk tothem, just make sure that you are honest about your feelings and be transparent about how you feel about things. If you want to discuss what went wrong, you must do so in a very cordial and mature way. If you think you have made some mistakes, accept them gracefully. Keeping your feelings and thoughts bottled up inside is not a good idea.

After A Break up – Then end of something does not have to be bitter or dreadful. Even though you have decided to put an end to the relationship, the same relationship gave you a lot of beautiful moments that you can cherish all your life. You must not let this one thing spoil all the good things it has brought to you and your erstwhile partner.

Anish Mohanty

Published by
Anish Mohanty

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