
Things You Can Enjoy Doing Solo

Things you enjoy doing solo. Ever since you open your eyes till date,  you are surrounded by the people you know and care about, might be your family or friends.

Yes, man is a social being yet sometimes all he/she needs is a little time to brace himself/herself and enjoy the moment.

Here are some of those things you can enjoy doing solo and thus if you haven’t tried them yet, you should:

Travel: Travel to a place you are queer to. Meet people you are not familiar with, make sure it’s safe before the next move. Traveling teaches you always a new lesson, even if you follow the same route. But try not to do so. Sometimes all it takes you to few miles to go and realise your worth. So if you are searching for yourself, do travel. It’s always fun.

Movie: Yes, you wait for the weekend to hang out to your friend’s place, arrange a big popcorn tub and snacks to munch while watching your favourite  movie. Try to avoid this. Buy a movie ticket for yourself, arrange your snacks and enjoy it solo. Watching without any company helps you to understand the core message of the movie besides it’s fun to watch without any interruption in the form of questions, yawns or vague criticism.

Small treats: When ever it’s a big day, you take your people out for treat and vice-versa. Try to do it for yourself. You love yourself enough to give treat for no big reason, sometimes it’s the need of the hour. All you have to realise is how special you are to yourself and thus should be treated nice.

Stargazing: If you haven’t tried this, then you should. You may be a party animal or might be a social butterfly, but you can never deny your eternal love for peace. The universe consists of infinite galaxies and stars, you’re a little part of it, you have to realise it, only when you are in the company of yourself.   

Walk: A walk on the beach, bare foot on the grass, on the cool summer-floor of a mud house and all those that makes you remind of your childhood and thus makes you feel nostalgic is precious. Revive your memories and spend time walking to those days of childhood, being young. It will not only energise you but also fills with vigour.

Sing-a-loud: So what if you are not a born singer or have a cranky loud voice, you love it anyway. Sing-a-loud for yourself, your favourite song, the para which you relate the most, lyrics of your heart. Yes, shower is a good idea, but you should not confine yourself to it.

Long drive: Drive to the place you like the most, or wanted to explore. Drive with the windows down and music loud, keep it slow if it’s raining and you want to hear the drops falling and feel the drizzle on yourself. Go for scooter, bicycle, car or anything you love to drive or wants to drive.

These are the thing that you can enjoy doing solo. You only leave once, make the best of it. Give time to yourself, and bet if you don’t end up falling in love with the person you are, understanding yourself and growing up. A company is what everybody needs but to  enjoy solo is a part of learning and building a strong personality. You should try them once and let’s know if it was real fun for you too? Note, mobile phones can should be avoided while doing so, it can be an interruption.

Kanishka Gupta

Published by
Kanishka Gupta

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