
Selfie In The Bathrooms! Is It Only The Girls Or Boys Too?

Here is the big debate guys: is it only the girls who are obsessed about their vanity or have the guys joined the bandwagon as well?

Since eternity, the argument is all about how girls don’t have brains and they are only concerned about beauty and blah blah blah! What we think instead is that girls do have brains and vanity or self love is a birthright of both the sexes.

How many of you do exercise that right, huh?

The Self-love Phenomenon

To be honest, from the time this selfie phenomenon on social media sites like Twitter, Facebook, Whatsapp etc. has taken the world by storm, a lot of skeletons have fallen out of the cabinet. Yes, the self-love is all out now waiting for appreciation, admiration and seduction. Of course it all started with girls taking sexy pictures, initially, fully clothed, in their bathrooms with a pout! The trend slowly shifted towards wearing shorter sexy clothes and poses, which showed the curvy figure as well, thereby enticing so many men to fall in love with the girl just by looking at her picture!

The Entry of The Bathroom

The trend continues, but then men also got an idea that they are also handsome and smart and need some love and cheering up. Hence, the run to the bathroom was expedited with the sole objective of showing the world what one got beneath those clothes! Where else can one expect to flaunt their beauty except in the privacy of a bathroom, standing right in front of the mirror and spending hours in clicking selfies!

No, not everyone has six-pack abs, but those who do, what’s the harm in showing off? Now we have so many guys displaying their well tone bodies making girls go “whoa” sitting in front of their laptops and ogling at beefed up male physique! And those who don’t have that well toned body, they found an innovative way too; just have a head shot or a picture till the chest level to hide that little paunch down there while still seducing the opposite sex!

Good or Bad?

Frankly speaking, this is all good and actually a welcome change! Self-love is important and then only you can love others. Also, if the desire to click a sexy selfie showing off a great body makes one join the gym or is a motivating factor to maintain good health, nothing better than that!

So who looks good in those selfies? Women with their usual pouty pictures with full on make up or guys with their toned-not toned bodies, yet trying their best to charm?

Do share your opinions with us! We would like to know who wins the battles of selfies?

And yes, keep clicking those selfies, the bathroom mirror is waiting for you!


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