
Major Reasons Why Indians Are Not Migrating To Any Gulf Cities

Dubai is an opulent dream for many Indians because it has the most illustrious  opportunities. There is a common belief among us Indians that the lifestyle in Dubai is way forward than ours and fast-paced, to say the least. On top of that, Dubai is really generous about paying their employees so we believe, settling there will be an overall rewarding experience. Needless to say, we are keen to settle in Dubai but wait, there are a few points that you need to heed before taking the plunge. Many Indians, nowadays are backing off from their decision of settling in Dubai for a few reasons. The most predominant reason, however, is the atrocious environment.

Although Dubai has wide array of career opportunities and opulence, Indians are now in two minds to settle there. Generally, so far Indians have migrated to the Gulf for jobs but there is a visibly significant slash in that margin for last few years. To tell you,  migration to the Gulf for jobs has slashed by 62% percent which is not a small deal. This is the scenario of last five years and on probing into the matter, there are many reasons that have come to the fore. Furthermore, the Emigration clearances granted to Indians headed to the Gulf for employment have dropped by 21% too. It now stands at 2.95 lakh during the 11-month period ended in November 30, 2018 as compared to 2017. However, the five-year outflow of Indian workers to Gulf peaked in 2014 at 7.76 lakhs. In that respect the sharp decline, that is to say 62% percent seems fairly high. During 2018, the largest flow was to UAE, consisting 1.03 Lakhs or 35% of the total workers granted emigration clearances. This was followed by Saudi Arab and Dubai where at least 65,000 and 52,000 workers have migrated respectively. In that light, nearly 32,500 workers have migrated to Qatar as they were granted emigration clearances. It was as compared to close to 25,000 in 2017, that is a rise of 31%. These numbers as well as the non ECR passport holders going to the ECR countries for employment are not reflected in the e-migrate emigration clearance data.

What Indians really look for in Dubai?

Firstly, they look for basic comfort, typical 9-5 jobs, social security, safety, health and medical for family. People with great entrepreneurial goals look to settle their in Dubai and quite rightfully so.

What is the dark side of living in Dubai for the Indians?

Dubai, that is replete with swankiest mansions, sometimes fail to deliver on its promise. A common problem that is plaguing the country that is it doesn’t stand up to the standard anymore that once it was liked for. This is the metaphor of the neo-liberalized global world which is slowly crashing into history.

The shining baubles, as what the Gulf cities look like to us, has the grimmest reality and you will figure that out once you start living in the place.

Shreyashi Das

Published by
Shreyashi Das

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