Indian Street Food That Has Made An Epic World Wide

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Traveling to India is not only limited to enjoy the diverse natural beauty, historical places, and culture. But while moving around the Indian street food has made a special place worldwide.

Below are some of the top preferable Indian street food worldwide and preferred by foreigners.


A crunchy chaat is available in the streets and park gates of Ahmadabad. The mixture of a bit piece of beet, puffed rice, and onion makes it delicious. The flavor is a blend of sour, spice, and salts a perfect treat for bellies during evening walks.

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Cheesy sandwich with icecream

This sandwich is perfect for cheese and ice cream lovers. Not only kids love to have this street food from Ahmedabad but also the elders love to visit the area of Manek Chowk Road. Healthy and tasty with the addition of pineapple juice on the sandwich makes it ideal for sweet lovers.

Indian Street Food Southern India

While you are traveling through the southern range of India, the houseboat trip is mandatory. Sailing through the ranges of the beaches of a backwater, there is some specific Indian street food that is a world epic.


Whoever traveled and enjoyed the houseboats on the Alleypey they have an idea about Puttu. Fish lovers will fall in love with the preparation and flavor of Puttu. Sweet and butter flavor as it is cooked with coconut milk and fish. Similarly, the duck curry is famous for its flavor from the corner of houseboat restaurants. It is amazing with the steamed coconut mixes.

Spicy Seafood in New York Toddy Shop

Those who love to have spicy seafood have the best Toddy spicy shops in the areas of the backwater, Alleppey. Different kinds of seafood with the grinds of coconut are amazing to taste from the southern part of India.

Amritsari Lassi

One of the popular Yoghurt made a dish from Amritsar. Lassi is a popular drink not only in Amritsar but also in different parts of India. Tourists visiting here have a must crave for this creamy dish.

Chicken Shawarma Roll

One of the most trendy Indian street food that is not only tasty but a complete belly filler. After a whole day of tiring moves and visits around the city of Bangalore, the Chicken Shawarma Roll is the best treatment.

Idli, popular Indian Street food

While visiting southern India, Idli and Dosa are the two major snacks not only as street foods but also in homes. With coconut chutney and Sambar, it is completely healthy and stomach-filling food. It is not only famous in India but a worldwide demand.

Mud Coffee

The traditional way of heating the mud is used to make the coffee. Brass-made long-handled pots are heated on the mud or sand to make the coffee. The flavor of mud coffee is different from the other coffees.

Jabeli, Indian street food Delhi

Puzzling and sweet is the Jalebi, best when hot served. It is available in the streets of Delhi, and other parts of the country. The sweet food is dipped in syrupy sugar juice, extremely sweet, and crispy at the same time.

Spicy Chicken Chow Guwahati

Whenever anyone visits northeast, the spicy chicken chow is the best street food that one can have that will remain in memories. It is for its amazing taste, momo is another best street of Guwahati, Assam.

These are some of the common Indian street foods that are famous for their flavors and uniqueness in preparation. Indian street foods have made epic worldwide for diversity and tastes.

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