
Do You Want Attention From Others? Is It a Sign of Attachment?

Yes, somewhere at the back of the mind a person is always seeking attention from others. They are neither satisfied nor confident without any good words from around. It is a sign of attachment towards his or her surroundings. They are not concerned about their own peace of mind nor are they confident to carry out their decision confidently. Unless anyone supports or shows any attention to them, this is a sign of less attachment and more of the kind of dependency.

Is this kind of dependency or sign of attachment good?

The attention of others enables to give the human mind some does of happiness. But it starts to become difficult when a person turns to grow a habit of seeking attention from others. When other’s decisions matter and start controlling the livelihood of a person it is alarming.

Until it provides freshness and happiness to the mind it is good. It will enable to give you strength for betterment. But once it turns to become criticizing it will become difficult for a person to live each and every day. People slowly turn to become dependent on others’ thoughts rather than developing attachments.

Attachment to criticism or appreciation

So if anyone seeks attachment it is essential that a person should be able to accept the criticism. Unless a person does not develops both the quality of accepting criticism and appreciation it is better not to develop attachments. Though in most cases it ensures to provide happiness to the mind when they appreciate a person’s choices. It may be a beautiful dress or any kind of ornaments.

But if a person is under the judgment of several then he or she will undergo anxiety. Depression and sadness are common as a sign of attachment. Seeking attention turns to become harmful at one stage to another.

Develop stability

So, seeking attention should not be a habit. Rather a person should seek stability. It is when a person does not depend on the criticisms nor the attention of anyone, around to be happy. They do not need to look forward to gaining praise for whatever they do as they are stable. They are aware of their behaviors and activities. It is obvious that when a person gains attention, the attachments will also develop a scope for criticism.

Once a person begins to trust their own decisions and does as per their requirements and wishes. They are less stressed about what will people think? Or What will they like? These kinds of thoughts inside the mind will not only waste the time but put a person in severe depressions and sadness.

Attachments are good unless it is advantageous, but if it starts causing problems it is always better to give up. Attention sign of attachment should be sometimes necessary to pamper yourself, but one should also be ready to face criticism. A person may appreciate the beautiful earrings worn, on another side a person may not. So, wear the earrings just because it is special to you not waiting for the attention of other people around.

Kakoli Roy

Published by
Kakoli Roy

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