Do What You Love To Do Is A Wrong Advice! Ask Why?

  1. It’s Grossly Insulting

A lot of people around us work too hard. No, I am not talking about only those in manual labour. Writers, programmers, property dealers, and marketing executives, all are extremely hard-working people. I agree that they don’t have torn hands and sore feet, but they put in the labour in their own way, which justifies their job. Toiling in the harsh sun, being awake till midnight, not being able to eat for hours and much more physical or mental toiling becomes an inevitable  part of such jobs. To tell such people that they should love it, is plain inhuman and mistaken. And to me it’s impossible to love every moment of these torturous processes without being a masochist. They do it, since it earns them their daily bread, and not that they get pleasure in getting tortured. For Musicians, and other artists, it may be another story altogether.


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