5 Reasons Why Indians Prefers Office than Work from Home

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With the changes in situation and impact of the pandemic, there was an immediate need for working from home. Though the western countries are already dealing with work from home in India few companies or jobs were allowed to do so. Only fewer people are aware of the working and earn from home. Mostly private and public offices divided into small or large areas are for the employees. Working from the office within specified times has been in the regular schedule of the Indian working style.

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Still, Indian prefers working from the office

It is true working from home has several benefits, it saves travel time provides the comfort of home. Fewer expenses on fares and home-cooked food on time. Despite the best advantages Indian looks forward to going to the office. Why?

Home ambiance does not prefer work from home

Indian families are mostly identified as staying at home on holidays. Whenever a person is at home there isn’t any workaround and if so it cannot be so essential. Indian homes do have a good study area or space but it lacks a workplace. Also, the ambiance does not support music, noises, and sounds around. The sudden need of work from home in Indian families has not been able to provide a required atmosphere as it is in the office with like mind and same disciplined people.

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Friends and colleagues

The office may be a workplace but it is indeed surrounded by colleagues and friends. Working together or sitting side by side gives a good and warm feeling. But work from home does not provide a similar lively feeling on the contrary it often gives a lonely and isolated feeling.

There are fewer chats and solving problems during the small breaks over a cup of coffee. Also, those who are habituated to the atmosphere of Indian offices will never feel comfortable long in their houses especially the corporate sectors group or teamwork matters.

Interrupt in family relationships

As staying at home means a holiday or less priority to work, a serious face with worries or disturbances are not at all encouraged by family members. Work from home in Indian homes is almost uncomfortable when families want to spend the maximum time with you. Just because you are at home and they do not understand the priority of working from home. This is bringing a distance in a relationship when other members want you to contribute some time leaving your important official work just because you are at home.

Mind setup

Indian homes cannot provide a mind setup similar to the offices. As there are sure to develop several interruptions while you are working which distracts a person’s mindset.

Less Known to the work from home trends

Working from home is a new trend in many houses except the IT industry who has been working from home for decades and knows about it. But corporate jobs, small emerging businesses are finding it difficult to cope up with the trend, work from home.

But after the arrival of IT companies and other private sectors work from home has gained popularity for various job sectors. Until the arrival of the pandemic, life was more confined to office works. Later to avoid the widespread and continue to support financially the work from home has become essential and helpful for both private and public workers.

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