What It Is To Be A Woman Today

The whole idea of celebrating Women’s Day is flawed. Aren’t women supposed to get their dues all through the year? Just like the other commercially gimmicky days like Valentine’s and Mother’s Days, W-Day is a way to further patronise women!

The whole idea of celebrating Women’s Day is flawed.

Aren’t women supposed to get their dues all through the year? Just like the other commercially gimmicky days like Valentine’s and Mother’s Days, W-Day is a way to further patronise women! Does anybody bother to find out what it is to be a woman in these tough times? Despite education, advancement and exposure, women are treated as secondary beings.

If a girl accomplishes something huge, it becomes a big deal. Why?

That doesn’t happen when a guy accomplishes something, does it? From a girl’s ability to hold her drinks to parallel park, eventing she ‘achieves’ is made out to be an impossible task that she somehow managed to do. The same is not true when a guy cooks or cleans the house. His ‘victory’ is not celebrated and people don’t pat on his back for his great ‘achievement’. They simply take it for granted and move on.

To me, that’s the biggest discrimination. When I am trying to park the car or explaining the technical jazz of the latest smartphone, there’s no need to ‘mansplain’ stuff to me. Because I am smart, well read, well traveled and can survive without the patronising explanations and guidance from the menfolk.

Do I come and tell you how to boil the egg? Especially considering how cooking has been a a woman’s domain since time immemorial.  Same way, I don’t want you to tell mansplain football to me, when I am just asking you the score. Girls dp enjoy sports and video games and when we are asking you for the score or latest software update, there’s no need to get worked up and launch into a verbal tirade that showcases your ego.

This conditioning happens right from our school days, where boys and girls are given distinct work because well, she is a ‘girl’. For a long time, girls were not encouraged to plays games like football, basketball, tennis and cricket. They were made to indulge in games that were girly.

Girls are physically weaker than their male counterparts, sure. But they are emotionally far stronger. If she can go to work on her periods, fight massive cramps and mood swings and yet be there for her children and family…really, hats off! But the fact that we have to justify her actions beats the purpose of celebrating womanhood, isn’t it?

Celebrating the power, beauty and compassion of a woman will hold any meaning only when we stop judging, fussing and patronising her on a everyday basis. It’s time to stop celebrating meaningless days and start appreciating and accepting her for who she is. Can you do that? Sure you can…

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