Mumbai Local Vs Delhi Metro! Which Is Better?


5) View

While Mumbai locals travel on ground, the view is a static view one gets while walking or driving on the road. Delhi metro while moving underground doesn’t offer much for a view, but when it is on elevated pillars over the ground, the view of the city it offers is too spectacular to be defined in words, especially the night journeys!


Well, as you noticed, the score is still 2-2! For me, it’s a draw guys!

Both have their own pluses and minuses and both provide a different kind of experience. What you like or hate is entirely dependent on your thought process and expectations, but the bottom line is, both are doing an amazing job for the average commuter!

There is a lot to be desired when it comes to improvement in services, but then nothing is perfect, right?

Just get on board on either of them and enjoy the journey!

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