Honestly, to care about the happiness of others and to put a little smile on someone’s lips hardly takes any time or money on your part.
Dalai Lama has said:”You will feel a sense of happiness, when you try to care about the happiness of others.” Honestly, to care about the happiness of others and to put a little smile on someone’s lips hardly takes any time or money on your part. In fact, there are small things that can be done as a part of your daily routine. You might never have imagined how many people are encouraged by the smile that you put on somebody’s face.
Let’s attempt to figure out how we can put little smile on someone’s lips:
- Let me begin by thanking you for visiting my blog. You are the ones who read me and inspire me to do better. I promise to offer you something that may upgrade your life.
- As you pay to the Cabbie, appreciate his service by saying at least “Thank you” for dropping you at your destination.
- It’s our moral responsibility to be grateful by saying “Thank you for delicious food…” to the waiter who served you your meal.
- You can deliver a meal to the people who are sick or having a rough time. Your humanity will certainly inspire them to do something for others.
- If someone asks you a direction, take a little time and offer you proper guidance. If possible take him or her to a destination.
- You can save someone’s life, who is injured on the road, life by taking him to hospital or even call for an Ambulance.
- If you can spend a few bucks, you can buy a meal to hungry. Feeding hungry is the virtue of high standard.
- Visit orphanage house or Old Age Home and talk to the people who live there. They will feel about having someone of their own.
- Ask your friend or relative if you can take care of their kids for an evening. You even can drop your neighbor’s kid(s) to the school.
People are desperately looking for the reasons of being happy. Why can’t you become the reason? It requires few kind words or few encouraging lines. You can spread your knowledge, distribute your resources, show a path to someone. Direct all your spare time and efforts to help others in one or other way. You will experience the sense of contentment that will make you the most happiest person from the core of your heart.
So, all of us, let’s try and put a little smile on someone’s lips and make someone’s day and life brighter.
If you can come up with one or more way to put a little smile on someone’s lips, please leave them in your comments.