How To Care For Your Nail Cuticles

Nail cuticle is one of the most neglected items when it comes to nail care. The skin right below your nail is known as the cuticle and its appearance signifies how healthy you are. There are certain ways to take care of your cuticles. We list down the top five ways to protect and nourish them. Read on:

Nail cuticle is one of the most neglected items when it comes to nail care. The skin right below your nail is known as the cuticle and its appearance signifies how healthy you are. There are certain ways to take care of your cuticles. We list down the top five ways to protect and nourish them. Read on:

Moisturise thoroughly:
When you’re moisturising your hands and fingers, make sure that your cuticles are moisturised too. Apply intense oils and egg yolk around the area to keep it nourished and moisturised. When it runs out of natural moisture, the skin tends to stretch and peel off. You can also apply a layer of petroleum jelly to keep that area supple.

Don’t cut the flak off:
Just because you’re cuticles have flaks all over it, there’s no need to cut if off. It will not only harm your skin, but also give rise to infection. Your cuticles play the essential job of protecting bacteria from entering under the nail. If bacteria seep through, it can cause a lot of harm. If you cut the flak poorly, it can cause infection or even serious damage.
Cuticle groomer:
It’s important to invest in a cuticle groomer that will remove excessively dry skin  and trim the hangnail. Although cutting the cuticle isn’t an option, it’s important to trim and groom the hangnail so that it doesn’t sweat and infect the area. It’s quite essential to use a groomer during the summers as that area tends to get clogged with sweat during the hot season. Do remember to wash the groomer in hot water every time, before you use it. It minimizes the chances of infections.

Orange stick:
If you want to push your cuticle back, use an orange stick to gently rub on it and push it back. Before using the stick, apply a generous amount of cuticle remover so that the area is properly moisturised and moist. Once it’s soft and moist, you can use the orange stick to push the excess back without causing an infection. Do not use any other stick than an orange stick for this purpose. If possible, you can purchase a cuticle grooming set to expertly push back the cuticle.

Soak it in warm water:
Whenever you feel that you cuticles have become rough and flaky, soak them in warm water, before moisturising it. Add a pinch of salt to the water to make a quick anti-infectant at home. Make sure to dry the area with a tissue or thin towel so that excess hydration doesn’t cause any water-borne infections.

Whenever you’re grooming your fingernails and painting them with latest colours, think about your cuticles too. They need lot of care and moisture too.

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