#Yo Priyanka Gandhi So Modest That She Is Trending On Twitter Silently

The recent ‘˜good wife’ act of Priyanka Gandhi, asking for removal of SPG detail while she is travelling with her husband Robert Vadra, has infused respect (?!) for her among tweeples.

The recent ‘good wife’ act of Priyanka Gandhi, asking for removal of SPG detail while she is travelling with her husband Robert Vadra, has infused respect (?!) for her among tweeples.

She had explained her ordeal in a letter to SPG chief. “Since the government is now reportedly considering the removal of his name, I would like to inform you that I do not feel it will be correct for my children and me to avail of the facility of exemption of these checks while entering or exiting the airport when we are all traveling together. Request you to ensure that when we are entering or exiting boarding gates there is no disturbance to passengers,” she had written.

“It has been a source of constant embarrassment for my husband who has asked me on numerous occasions to have it removed as, in any case, he goes through the full security check and procedure from the normal channel every time he is traveling on his own,” she had further stated.

Now all are singing praises of her modesty for she faced embarrassment continuously for 10 years while her mother was at the top of power ladder.

Her modesty is so much that even on twitter she is trending silently.

Here are top 10 tweets:











Now that you are aware of her modesty, please shower kind words on her for we will take it to her.

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