
MBA Entrepreneur Starts Business Investing Pocket Money at 22 Years Old

Investing and starting a business with pocket money at the initial stage was not easy. Palak Dhand, a 22-year-old who has recently completed her MBA immediately started her business. At the end of 2020, November, MBA entrepreneur was into her startup launching Snack & Co. Her company is able to sell about 2000 products within four months that has a turnover Rs. 80,000.

Her interest to become an entrepreneur has led her to begin her career. But she was all set to move to Lancaster University, the UK for her further studies. Somewhere it was due to the pandemic that she was able to go nowhere. It was a kind of blessing for Palak that she was able to begin her career the way she wanted.

Hardships as an MBA entrepreneur

Palak a 22-year-old girl having the interest to start a business was not enough. As convincing vendors apart from being a startup company was difficult. Being a young girl hardly did anyone was taking her seriously. This was slowly putting her into doubt that if she was at the right age to take the initiative to be in the healthy snacks business.

Other hardships as a newcomer in the industry were the ideas relating to the execution of business. The main parts of her challenges were the lack of knowledge regarding technicalities. The e-commerce procedures were difficult for her to tackle. As she said that for any kind of issues calling the IT team was to be necessary. Now her products are sold on the e-commerce platform and is working with the vendors selling her healthy snacks.

Products and uniqueness

Her starting investment was Rs. 1 lakh which was her pocket money. This is whatever she saved during her college times. Spending money for the startup was easy but earning back the principle took place after it selling 200 products. Though, the initial days were difficult to assume about the future of the snacks business. Later the business flourished within few months which was a responsive success to Palak Dhand.

Snacks that are strictly prepared under the supervision and guidance of the MBA entrepreneur are not just healthy but unique. Consulting with the vendors and working closely to the quality and taste of the snacks is her first contribution. This has enabled the business to run and progress with monthly returns of 80,000.

She loves to cook and this is another reason that the food industry was one of the closest fields of motivation. Working in social media and staying connected to her customer is through her Youtube channel. The Blend with Palak, where she shares her recipes of different types that are her unique cooking creations.

There are wide ranges of products for the kids to the adults who have different preferences and tastes. Her distribution to the business is one-handed; she takes care of not only the unique quality products but also about the sales and finances. Marketing and distribution or delivery of the products, all are under her supervision.

Kakoli Roy

Published by
Kakoli Roy

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