Categories: Humour

Watch The Mystery Of The Unisex Salon Unfold On Your First Visit

Was it not simple when men had their salons and women had their beauty parlours? Someone HAD to meddle with the way things are supposed to be, the result of which came to be unisex salons.

Now, both men and women can have stylists catering to their needs under the same roof. Not that I am a sexist, but seriously, I was not one of the persons who thought this idea would see the light of the day.

Nevertheless, it happened some while ago and there is no point whining about it.

Every man or a woman, at some point in their life, will visit a unisex salon as part of their ‘adventure’ or urgency in getting the right style. These are some of the emotions that might go through their mind during the first time visit to a unisex salon –


“Is this really a salon?”

The work culture at a unisex saloon boggles you

The work culture at a unisex salon boggles you

As compared to a barber’s shop or a female beauty parlour, the work culture inside a unisex establishment is quite diverse. Besides you will find gadgets that you have never seen in any barber shop or a beauty parlour. (Since massages are a part of these salons, be prepared to hear quite a few moans, erotic ones even).


“Is that a reception desk?”

A good-looking receptionist attends you

A good-looking receptionist attends you

Yes, most of these salons today have a reception desk (with probably a good-looking woman sitting behind it). “Why would anyone in their right mind have a reception desk in a haircutting place?” would probably be your first question.


“How cool would it be to have a guy/girl attend to me?”

You wish for an attendant from the opposite sex would cater to you

You wish for an attendant from the opposite sex would cater to you

Whether you are a man or a woman visiting a salon for both genders, you definitely would want someone from the opposite sex to cater to your need/s. I mean, that’s the whole point of visiting one such salon, isn’t it?


“Will I find my ideal partner here?”

You even hope to find 'the one' at the saloon

You even hope to find ‘the one’ at the salon

The search for ‘the one’ never stops until you actually find them. If you are single, you definitely want to check out someone from the opposite sex and probably analyse every individual from top to bottom thinking they could be your ideal mate.


“I think I am overdressed/ underdressed.”

Looking at the professionals will make you think that you are overdressed/underdressed

Looking at the professionals will make you think that you are overdressed/underdressed

More often than not, the attendants in these establishments wear flashy clothes that make you analyse yourself for the clothes you wear for your session. Regardless of what conclusion you arrive at, you will be disappointed because you cannot match them.


“Will they use the same products they do for the opposite sex?”

You home that they do not use the same product that they use on the opposite sex

You home that they do not use the same product that they use on the opposite sex

Since you do not know the way these salons function, this question is bound to crop up. Your hair, your skin or nails hold a special place and you definitely do not want to risk anything that might result adversely.


“Will I get ripped off?”

The money you have to pay for the session worries you

The money you have to pay for the session worries you

(Yes, you will. Men especially.) I am not being biased towards these salons, but just stating the facts. I mean, men, why would you want to spend 500 bucks on a haircut, when you can get a relatively good job done at a simple barber shop. Women, on the other hand, might find it expensive, but not as much compared to their regular beauty parlour sessions.

Overall, the experience can be interesting. If you visit one such salon in the near future, do let us know what thoughts crossed your mind.

Sridhar Krishnan

Published by
Sridhar Krishnan

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