When it comes to change, the world is divided into two sections – the one that is open to change and another that is completely averse to it.
Most people might feature in the former category claiming change is good in the longer run as it makes individuals adaptable to variations and whatnot. On the other hand, there exists a section that believes in things being the way they are.
Though change is a part of life, you could be one of those persons who dislike it.
When you belong to this category, you are sure that you hate changes –
No one is allowed to clean your room. Regardless of whether the space is tidy or filthy, you prefer keeping the place the way it is (maybe clean it once in a while, but without anyone’s help).
You like fashion trends that you often see at home. You easily relate to the wallpapers, colour of the walls in your house and many other things, because of which when it comes to staying at a hotel, you hate the experience.
You are also fine with not having too many friends. If someone asks you to count the number of friends you have, you would not have to lift your another hand for calculation. Making new friends would bring change in lifestyle, which you are not fine with.
The way you spend your weekend has been the same for a long time now. Whenever one of your friends makes plans for the weekend, your initial answer is ‘no’. It takes them a lot of convincing before you unwillingly give in to their wish.
There may be an instance when you make plans for a trip you believe will be fantastic. Everyone’s onboard, but gradually people start backing out. It totally breaks your heart to see good plan getting cancelled.
You even refuse to change your diet. It does not matter to you when people call you a picky eater because that’s what you are.
You believe that change often paves way for the worse things to happen. You like things the way they are and since nothing negative transpired in that phase, you are fine with it. But whenever someone talks about change, you tend to freak out.
You are afraid of failure. Since change facilitates possibility of things going south, it scares you that chances of you failing at your task appear high. You are definitely not fine with that!
You are not a big fan of impromptu plans. If a friend walks in and suggests everyone goes out for a drink, you give it a good amount of thought.

You dislike altering your weekend plans
Delayed flights/trains are a pain in the neck. You cannot handle the pressure even if the delay is by 15-20 minutes.