The Not So Right Life Of A Left Handed Person

Problems Of Being Left Handed – Situations such as having a higher risk of psychosis or early death than the right-handers are associated with left-handed people.

When you think about left-handed people, only the negative factors come to the mind first.

Situations such as having a higher risk of psychosis or early death than the right-handers are associated with them.

These, however, are high level scenarios. Let us look at other worst problems, yet the funny ones that are faced by the southpaws.

Although the lefties are seen as emotionally balanced individuals, at school, they are majorly screwed. Schools have today started implementing western methods with the first being right-handed desk. Evidently, it becomes a problem for the left handers.


Schools are also renowned for spiral notebooks. The lefties not only have to adjust themselves, but their way of writing to facilitate gathering better information.


Whenever they visit temples, it is by default that they raise their left hand to receive prasad, which calls for condemnation from the pujari.


Also at the dinner table, having a right-handed person sitting next to them can be a nightmare for the lefties, as their elbows often clash, in the process knocking off their food.


In India, being a left-handed is perceived as unnatural. When relatives learn of the same, they are obviously surprised (…and disappointed, too).


Mean friends often go, “Jiss haath se khate ho, usi haath se dhote ho?”


Handshakes and hugs often become awkward as reflexes for the right-handed and lefties differ.


The door knobs, scissors and fridge doors work different for them. Initially, it is confusing, but eventually they grasp on the concept.


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