
Meet The Real Life Tarzan From Hong Kong in This Video

Graphic novels made the most of our childhoods. When we reflect on the days that we spent burying our faces in the comic books, one name crosses our mind, that is Tarzan. Many of us, as kids, idealised Tarzan for his bravery. Plus, we adored his chiselled abs too!

Those who are still wondering who Tarzan is, let us give you his brief introduction. Tarzan is the feral child who was raised by apes in the African jungles. He later became one of them and there were a lot of adventures that came in his way!

What if we told you that Tarzan is there for real? yes you heard it right! We are herewith sharing a video that takes you to the jungles of Hong Kong where this real life Tarzan resides. Oh wait, this Tarzan has eerie similarities with his graphic novel counterpart by appearance too. He has the same chiselled abs and long interlaced strands of hair. In short, the Tarzan from Hong Kong brought the comic character to life.

Jason, the real life Tarzan lives in the coastal areas of Hong Kong which is bracketed by dense forest. He boldly claims that he loves his life and not intending to shift to the city life anytime soon. Jason lost his mother as a child and was rendered homeless. This adopted Filipino child made himself toys from wood and didn’t know how it felt to play games in his childhood. He had a troubled childhood for sure!

There was light at the end of the tunnel. Jason decided to live a life that we all dream of! he skitters through the coastal ridges of Hong Kong, lives in the coolest house possible on Earth, grows his organic food and plays drums. Guess what, Jason who once sought for a job restlessly to stay afloat, is now hired by the Disney channel to star in a show. Jason makes a killing from the show by just being himself, beat that!

Jason shares his humble adobe with a friend and together they have a whale of time! Their house is made from plastic bottles, fallen branches of trees and the garbage from the sea beach. Jason prides on not cutting even a single tree to build his house which is really inspiring!

There is a saying that in a real man lives a child that wants to play and Jason proved that again. Jason lives his life king size and likes to be close to the nature. His favourite hobby is growing his hair and he revealed that his hair has not been cut for straight 24 years. Cool, isn’t it?

We are so happy to meet Jason and thought we should share his way of living with you too. Have a look at this video and you will know how simple living can bring you optimum joy!

Shreyashi Das

Published by
Shreyashi Das

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