Bro Codes You Ought To Follow To Maintain An Indestructible Friendship

Bro Code is something that many guys follow. Basically, it is a secret pact between guy friends sworn in secrecy and for eternity. ‘œDo not let your girlfriends know about the bro code’, is one of the codes that men stick to.

Bro Code is something that many guys follow.

Basically, it is a secret pact between guy friends sworn in secrecy and for eternity.

No ladies. There’s no handbook for the list of codes that men follow.

Nevertheless, it is sacred to all men and they religiously pursue it.

Again, this is for women. Do not go around asking your boyfriends or respective spouses about their bro code.

“Do not let your girlfriends know about the bro code”, is one of the codes that men stick to.

Below mentioned are a few other bro codes that readers will find interesting –

Bros before Hoes


Arguably, it is the most common code and most men (as well as women) are familiar with the same. Basically, it means never ditch your bro for a girl.


Never Date a Bro’s Ex


Breakups are hard on men, too. It is an official bro code to never date a bro’s ex; if this transpires, the event tends to take a toll on the friendship, regardless of how long the bros have been friends.


All Bros Love Sports


A bro never ditches another bro on the eve of a sporting event. Be it cricket, football or any other sport, bros come together and enjoy the game till the end.


A Bro Never Ditches another Bro during a Brocassion


Yes, you heard it. Brocassion. It’s gonna become a thing. This basically is an event that includes only bros and no other friends or girlfriends.


A Bro Keeps All Secrets Devotedly


A bro’s girlfriend may want to know about his past, his sexual life and many other details. A reliable bro never divulges these details about his bro to the female in question.


A Bro is Available at All Times


‘A bro in need is a bro indeed’. Be it at three in the afternoon or three in the night, a bro is always available to his bro, regardless of the nature of the situation.


A Bro Never Watches Chick Flicks


Chick flicks are off limits when it comes to watching movies. The preferred genres, instead, are action, horror and sci-fi, in no particular order.


A Bro Never Displays Gang Signs While Taking a Picture


Gang signs or sticking out the tongue is a strict no when bros click pictures in groups. The act is frowned upon and considered a wannabe pose within the circle.


A Bro Will Always Have His Bro’s Back


Be it in a fight or while making a life-altering decision, a bro shall always have his bro’s back. Though not an obligation, this code is an unspoken bond that never dissolves till death does them apart.


A Bro Never Imposes Non-Vegetarianism


A bro never forces his bro to eat non-vegetarian food against his desire.

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