Categories: Humour

9 Struggles You Face When You Have Long Fingernails

Fingernails are such small parts of the entire human anatomy. It really boggles me when people – women and men – give their nails ample attention. I mean, there’s something called nail art for crying out loud!

So, what changes do long fingernails actually bring to people who sport them? Is it worth spending hundreds of bucks to get fancy beads stuck on the nails?

If you ask for a personal opinion, I would say that growing fingernails is completely stupid. Obviously, I back my statement with reasons other than long nails can break easy and cause immense pain.

Here are other reasons why it is utter rubbish to grow long fingernails –


As compared to typing with fingers, using nails to type can be painful. You also risk your nails becoming fragile due to constant impact on the keyboard.

Typing on a laptop or desktop keyboard becomes difficult


You cannot write on a piece of paper/book while holding a pen when you have extended fingernails. The edge of your nails constantly hurt against your palms leading to unwanted scars making it painful for you to write altogether.

You can’t write while holding a pen/pencil


Have you ever tried buttoning your shirt or coat when you have lengthy fingernails? If yes then you know what a pain in the neck the task becomes, as chances of your nails getting stuck between the linings becomes high.

A simple task like buttoning your shirt appears daunting


The one advantage you have for having long nails is that you can pick your nose conveniently. However, again, the risk of you injuring the inner parts of your nose amplifies. Picture this – you are in your car picking your nose and you inadvertently hit the brakes. Ouch!!

You can get hurt while picking your nose


Long fingernails also tend to attract bacteria in large numbers. As per researches, they contain more harmful bacteria and yeast as compared to short nails.

Your nails attract bacteria in large quantities


You also cannot open soda cans without risking breaking your nails. Try getting the pop tabs open with your fingernails. The experience is sure to scare the bejesus out of you.

Can’t open soda cans


Texting messaging becomes difficult. It is for a valid reason that smartphones have feature called touch screen; you need to touch the screen with your skin to operate rather than using just your fingernails.

You cannot send text messages with extended fingernails


You cannot scratch your eyes. Isn’t this self-explanatory? Would you risk getting a scratch on one of your eyeballs just because of your fascination for longer nails?

You cannot rub your eyes with long fingernails


Reaching into your pockets becomes challenging, too. Imagine reaching into your pockets for change or a key and pulling it out only to find a part of your nail missing.

Can’t reach into pockets knowing the risk of nails breaking


Sridhar Krishnan

Published by
Sridhar Krishnan

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