Handbags in modern days are luxurious items developed distinctively by different brands. While looking back into the history of old handbags it is the trend that came up from the small old handbag or burse carried during the time of Queen Elizabeth I. In Victoria and Albert museum is preserving the precious assets to exhibit their importance. Few of the main valuable traces of handbags has made it not only vital but an emergence to premium items in fashion.
Reticule Handbag modern evening bag
In the 18th century, the reticules fashion started to gain popularity for its fashionable items. The main focus of the brand was to create small pocket handbags. The bags were attached with a belt so that ladies can carry their handy belongings tied to their waists.
But now these reticule bags have revived as evening bags. Considering it as the most expensive luxury purses that began from 1795 to 1820. What made it luxurious? The materials designs used in making the purses which are innovative and the shapes that made it one of the ultimate fashionable.
Burse by Hatton
Lord Chancellor Of England and the favorite member of the Elizebeth’s court used Burse to carry his belongings. The amazing design of the bags is precious which was embroidered with Royal Arms of England. The material was mostly of leather, white in color, or linen. But as it continued to the 16th century the burse was then introduced as a purse.
The golden thread and the silver sequins traced precisely the designs that confirm the lavishness of Queen Elizabeth’s court. The burse was carried before the Lord Chancellor, Hatton, and the Keeper of the Seal. It was the time of origin that later transformed into the purse.
Later purse gave a new look when the Japanese used the Inros. Inros are the purse that was attached to the waist sash. It was a useful carrier for them. As they carried inkpads, seals and medicines, or any other kind of belongings. Handbags at this time were attached to the waist sash which began in the 18th century. As we look into the precious assets that are preserved shows beautiful scenic miniature art. They are mostly small containers to carry the necessary belongings including cosmetics.
Birkin bags by Hermes
Nothing to define the French luxury brand by Hermes, the leather bags which slowly grew up to show the symbol of luxury during the ’80s. The purses materials are extremely designed with glamor which is sold at the highest of US$ 11,000. The texture is variable along with the sizes that made it the highest on-demand luxurious handbags.
Birkin bags are the innovative phase of the old handbags that stands as a status symbol for the buyers and society.
The old handbags that were in use for carrying the belongings, specifically it were used by women. But with the changes in need and style, it was slowly carried by men. Finally, one of its kind that the old handbag evolved from the Elizabeth court-I to become the modern luxurious item to present.