The truth behind hair fall

Hair fall is one of the first signals that the body throws up to tell you that there is something wrong with it. Don’t ignore it…


Of lately, I realised that whenever I would get up from my bed, I would leave behind a trail of hair strands on it. Then I started finding them beneath the chair on which I sit in my office for more than nine hours. Suddenly I would feel a mild sensation, a kind of soft tickle down my back and I would rush to the loo to see, only to catch a strand of hair or two. And I don’t even want to imagine what happened when I massaged and oiled my hair. I remember, after one such session, I was so heart-broken and shocked to see the amount of hair fall that I actually counted and the number came close to 100. It rang some bell in my head and I had heard people saying, and had also read somewhere that 100 strands of hair fall everyday from human body and that the process is quite normal.

Then I saw Dove’s ad “from 100 to just 2” and I thought why not, as such I didn’t have an abundance of hair on my head. So got myself a bottle and religiously used it for sometime. Nothing changed. If anyone had to spy on me, he would just be needed to look for fallen hair and he would know where all I had been. I was becoming increasingly tensed and I tried a couple of oils and shampoos which claim that they stop hair fall, but they were of no help. I even bought some strange serum as recommended by my colleague who was also facing the same problem. It was quite expensive and had to be applied on the scalp a night before the hair wash. I did that, too, but to no respite.

I finally decided to blow up some more money and took an appointment with a doctor at Richfeel. He asked me things like what was my profession, how many working hours, how many hours of sleep I was getting, if my family had a history of thyroid or cancer patients, what was my diet, how much water I was drinking and if I was stressed. He also asked me to get a hormone check done to see if I was suffering from hormonal imbalance. Then he told me how hair fall is different from hair thinning. While the former is reversible, the later may be completely irreversible if one is on its final stages. After everything in my medical reports came out to be normal, he told me that my hair fall could be because of stress and I could be on the very initial stages of hormonal imbalance and hair thinning.

I was afraid but he re-assured me that it wasn’t bad and much under control. He checked my scalp with a strange looking device, which also clicked some pictures and then he showed me the small bumps on my scalp due to stress. He gave me two of the brand’s products – a shampoo and a serum, both with saw palmetto, a fruit which is known to stop hair fall and thinning. But, whether or not their products are helpful, the doctor told me a few vital things which I will remember for life.

Most importantly, he gave me the dope on hair fall. Four ingredients – flaxseeds, green tea, walnuts and soya – if you consume daily, you will never suffer from hormonal imbalance and hair thinning. You should be drinking at least two litres of water everyday so that the body gets all its minerals. Coconut water is extremely beneficial because of its high mineral content. The most effective ways to beat stress are meditation and proper sleep, so get that. No matter how expensive a product you use on your hair, if your diet is not proper, there wouldn’t be any end to hair fall. The guru mantra, hair fall is one of the earliest signals that there is something wrong in your body, which in the worst case could be a serious illness. Don’t overlook it.

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