The Reasons Your Nails Are Not Growing Quickly And Correctly

nails are not growing

If your nails are not growing quickly – Have you ever felt jealous when you look at how quickly your friends’ nails are growing as compared to yours? Or do you hate that you can’t show off the long nails like others do?

Well, it is quite obvious that some women really think deep about why their nails take time to grow. And also, there are some women who don’t really care about the long nails & stuff.

But, if you fall amongst the one that really care then don’t worry because we have compiled a list of reasons out here.

Do understand what is affecting the growth of nails plus why it is not growing correctly in shape.

Also, Quit spending on the nail salon & check out these natural reasons:

If your nails are not growing are not growing quickly –

  1. Biting Nails

Are you biting your nails? Well, if you are then it’s time you STOP IT.

In reality; biting the nails damages the growth and thus the shape also turns out to be bad. So, with no one to blame; you must stop biting the nails if you are doing it.

  1. Working a lot

Working in terms of; many women are keen into washing dishes and thus the water actually makes the nails soft and this results into breaking them every time.

  1. No healthy diet

Even a healthy diet matters a lot to grow the nails faster and better. If you are not keen into consuming a proper diet than that is one reason too.

So, eat eggs because it is rich in protein and also spinach as they are totally beneficial to grow nails quickly.

  1. Always colouring ‘em

Many women are obsessed with applying the nail polish again & again.

It is good to apply nail polish but it is better if you quit it applying all the time. So just keep ‘em natural at times as well.

  1. Bad quality of nail polish

To be frank; many purchase the nail polishes only because they are low in price. Don’t you Agree? It is actually not a good idea because the substances present it the bottle of nail polish is something that damages the nails and the breakages occur.

  1. Acetone in nail polish removers

Some nail polish removers contains higher amount of acetone in it that results into drying and causing the nails to break later.

So, if your nails are not growing properly, do check properly & purchase the remover which is of good quality.

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